docker-archive / docker-registry

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Private registry: Garbage collection #1074

Open noymn opened 8 years ago

noymn commented 8 years ago


I would like to know whether is possible to clean-up layers that are not in use anymore and have been pushed. I know that this feature is already available on trusted-registry but there is something on public version (v2)?

We are keeping only 2 versions + latest of each image and we need to clean the ones that get orphan.

dmp42 commented 8 years ago

Garbage collection is available on both versions (DTR and open-source v2). Btw, you are in the legacy repo.

noymn commented 8 years ago

Ops! Thanks for saying that. Can you tell me how is it enabled or how can I see if that is happening? My registry is only growing whilst the number of images or layers in the images have not changed at all.