docker-archive / docker-registry

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registry - image exists - but doesn't show in catalog #1103

Closed goatherder closed 7 years ago

goatherder commented 7 years ago

I have a private docker-registry (registry:2) - using S3 storage & redis blobdescriptor cache.

I've recently pushed a new image (/prefix/image:2.2.0) - but it doesn't show up in the catalog (curl -XGET <address>/v2/_catalog... other images show, including new images pushed afterwards)...

However, I am able to pull the image, see it in the redis cache (KEYS /prefix/image* & DUMP), see it on the S3 storage (s3://bucket/docker/registry/v2/repositories/prefix/image/) and list it's tags (curl -XGET <address>/v2/<image>/tags/list).. etc...

Anyone know why an image wouldn't show up in the catalog, but work for all other operations?

jfchevrette commented 7 years ago

@goatherder I'm having the same issue. Were you able to fix it?

goatherder commented 6 years ago

Yes, this was an embarrassing one - pagination. I just needed to append ?n=&last=