docker-archive / dockercloud-haproxy

HAproxy image that autoreconfigures itself when used in Docker Cloud
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Not working properly when using compose mode + service with fixed container names #239

Open blop opened 6 years ago

blop commented 6 years ago

If you have one or more services which looks like : serviceA: container_name: serviceA

Then dockercloud/haproxy is not looking up the container name correctly and fail to make that backend usable. I guess it expects some standard format like $project_$service_1.

Workaround is to remove explicit container_name entries from yaml project. This should be fixed, or mentioned in documentation if not.

mister2d commented 6 years ago

It is mentioned in the documentation. Has been since day one I believe.

  • DO not overwrite HOSTNAME environment variable in dockercloud/haproxy container.
  • The container name is maintained by docker-compose, and used for service discovery as well. Please DO NOT change container_name of the linked service in the compose file to a non-standard name. Otherwise, that service will be ignored.