docker-archive / dockercloud-haproxy

HAproxy image that autoreconfigures itself when used in Docker Cloud
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Can not link service or container in compose mode #249

Open exotfboy opened 5 years ago

exotfboy commented 5 years ago


version: "3"
      image: xxx
      image: dockercloud/haproxy
        - app
        - 81:80
        - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

After run docker-compose up --scale app=2 , I got logs like this:

proxy_1  |...07:13: INFO:haproxy:Haproxy is running by docker-compose, loading HAProxy definition through docker api
proxy_1  |...07:13: INFO:haproxy:dockercloud/haproxy PID: 8
proxy_1  |...07:13: INFO:haproxy:=> Add task: Initial start - Compose Mode
proxy_1  |...07:13: INFO:haproxy:=> Executing task: Initial start - Compose Mode
proxy_1  |...07:13: INFO:haproxy:==========BEGIN==========
proxy_1  |...07:13: INFO:haproxy:Linked service: 
proxy_1  |...07:13: INFO:haproxy:Linked container: 

Seems like that dockercloud-haproxy can not find and link any service.

And when I run wget http://localhost:81, I got the error like this:

Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:81... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... Read error (Connection reset by peer) in headers.

What's going on?

My docker version:18.09, and docker compose version: 1.23.1

db260179 commented 5 years ago

This is an easy fix, use the docker-compose 1.23.2, they have reverted that change so container names are now back to _1 instead of random generated.

db260179 commented 5 years ago

exotfboy commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I will have a try.