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Docker Swarm Resource/Memory leak #124

Closed jkhongusc closed 6 years ago

jkhongusc commented 6 years ago

Expected behavior

Ability to deploy and rm docker stack without losing memory.

Actual behavior

Every iteration of "docker stack deploy --compose-file hello.yml hello" and "docker stack rm hello": all masters lose some memory (<100kb) and all nodes running the container lose around 1-2MB of memory. Eventually a node (usually a master) will run out-of-memory; and the out-of-memory node becomes unresponsive. Sometimes ASG terminates node immediately; sometimes it takes ASG time (over 1 hour) to auto-terminate the node. I've run this test on various Docker configurations: 1 master, 3 masters, 1 master and 1 worker, 3 masters and 3 workers.


Here is my leader of a 3 master only configuration after testing but stopping before using all the memory. I've pruned all docker resources, yet the memory is never freed:

$ free -m
                   total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          3946       3824        121        185         12        201
-/+ buffers/cache:       3611        334
Swap:            0          0          0

Running docker-diagnose killed my leader node, right after execution =(

$  docker-diagnose
OK hostname=ip-172-31-36-46-us-west-2-compute-internal session=1511636693-K6FsbkUOfNCzcGE9wFIVxru763mUTd7i
OK hostname=ip-172-31-0-211-us-west-2-compute-internal session=1511636693-K6FsbkUOfNCzcGE9wFIVxru763mUTd7i
OK hostname=ip-172-31-21-134-us-west-2-compute-internal session=1511636693-K6FsbkUOfNCzcGE9wFIVxru763mUTd7i
Done requesting diagnostics.
Your diagnostics session ID is 1511636693-K6FsbkUOfNCzcGE9wFIVxru763mUTd7i
Please provide this session ID to the maintainer debugging your issue.

services: hellotest: image: hello-world deploy: mode: global

2. Create test shell script -



how many times to loop through test


starttime=date echo start: $starttime

counter=1 while [ $counter -le $LOOPS ] do echo loop number $counter

start docker

    cd /home/docker
    echo starting docker: docker stack deploy --compose-file hello.yml hello
    docker stack deploy --compose-file hello.yml hello
    sleep 60

    # stop docker
    echo stopping docker: docker stack rm hello
    docker stack rm hello
    sleep 60



endtime=date echo end: $endtime

3. Run shell script:
nohup ./ &
FrenchBen commented 6 years ago

@jkhongusc as this doesn't look to be Docker for AWS specific, could you open an issue in ?