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Add m5/c5 instance types to InstanceType/ManagerInstanceType AllowedValues #146

Closed kinghuang closed 6 years ago

kinghuang commented 6 years ago

The Moby Linux 18.03 images appear to fully support ENA and NVMe, and can run on m5, c5, and r4 instance types. The Docker for AWS CF template has entries for r4, but not m5 and c5 instance types.

Expected behavior

Docker for AWS should allow m5 and c5 instance types for managers and workers.

Actual behavior

Docker for AWS does not list m5 and c5 instance types as allowed values for managers and workers.


Docker for AWS 18.03.0 templates

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Attempt to create a CloudFormation stack specifying m5 and/or c5 instance types.


    "ParameterKey":   "ManagerInstanceType",
    "ParameterValue": "c5.large"
    "ParameterKey":   "InstanceType",
    "ParameterValue": "m5.large"
aws cloudformation create-stack \
  --stack-name $STACK_NAME \
  --template-url \
  --parameters file://$STACK_DIR/parameters.json \
  --tags file://$STACK_DIR/tags.json \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
  1. Observe that a validation error occurs.
An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the CreateStack operation: Parameter ManagerInstanceType failed to satisfy constraint: Must be a valid EC2 HVM instance type.


Adding the additional instance types to the CF template works.

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