docker-archive / for-aws

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Running the containers as non-root #197

Closed lucian29012018 closed 5 years ago

lucian29012018 commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to secure my containers, so I tried to run one of them – docker4x/meta-aws – as non-root. The new container didn't show up after recreating the environment. There is no evidence that it was even pulled.

How can I find the cause? Is there any log for CloudFormation?

Thank you so much for any suggestion!

Expected behavior

Running the containers as non-root. In this issue here I did a test with just one container – docker4x/meta-aws.

Actual behavior

I edited the CloudFormation template just for one container – docker4x/meta-aws, the respective meta-aws container didn't show up after recreating the environment, no docker4x/meta-aws image was pulled.

~ $ docker images -a
REPOSITORY                                                    TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
bash                                                          latest              16463e0c481e        4 days ago          15.2MB
nginx                                                         alpine              ea1193fd3dde        2 weeks ago         20.6MB                        6.5.4               54b79e7ac554        7 months ago        344MB                        6.5.4               80016d2e733c        7 months ago        374MB   18.06.1-ce-aws1     0cf94ec12b91        10 months ago       25.5MB
docker4x/guide-aws                                            18.06.1-ce-aws1     1f6a4619476d        10 months ago       208MB
docker4x/init-aws                                             18.06.1-ce-aws1     c531dc797731        10 months ago       207MB
docker4x/l4controller-aws                                     18.06.1-ce-aws1     5f0485509c51        10 months ago       17.7MB
docker4x/shell-aws                                            18.06.1-ce-aws1     3b11e5de24ce        10 months ago       119MB

Then, still on shell-aws, I tried to manually pull the Docker image but I get this error:

~ $ docker pull
Error response from daemon: Get no basic auth credentials

But I'm able to pull if I login to ECR first:

~ $ export AWS_ECR_LOGIN=$(aws ecr get-login --region eu-west-1 --no-include-email)
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/docker/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded
~ $ docker pull
18.06.1-ce-aws1: Pulling from ocrex/meta-aws
f4900964ff56: Already exists 
e82d40bcbc6a: Pull complete 
ae3f2782d510: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:eb040257186efe5011b7710418f04df929f65190205ceb40bac8be5da71124ec
Status: Downloaded newer image for


I added these lines to my CloudFormation template file:

export AWS_ECR_LOGIN=$(aws ecr get-login --region eu-west-1 --no-include-email)
/bin/sh -c "$AWS_ECR_LOGIN"

and I changed this line to take the docker image from our private repository:

docker run --label com.docker.editions.system
              --log-driver=json-file  --log-opt max-size=50m --name=meta-aws
              --restart=always -d -p $LOCAL_IP:9024:8080 -e
              AWS_REGION=$AWS_REGION -e
              docker4x/$DOCKER_FOR_IAAS_VERSION metaserver

This is the Dockerfile used to re-create the docker image on our private repository (

FROM docker4x/meta-aws:18.06.1-ce-aws1
RUN adduser -D -H ocrex
USER ocrex:ocrex

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. edit the CloudFormation template
  2. aws cloudformation create-change-set
  3. on the shell-aws container:
docker images -a
docker ps -a