docker-library / openjdk

Docker Official Image packaging for EA builds of OpenJDK from Oracle
MIT License
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absolute minimum openjdk production ready images? #404

Closed prasad-1210 closed 4 years ago

prasad-1210 commented 4 years ago


Have you considered producing absolute minimum JRE and JDK images for production? Something like


Because even slim variants come with debien:buster-slim, curl, libpng e.t.c., are additional build time components that are not required on production systems. This is to reduce layers prone to vulnerabilities and gain some size benefits(not much important)

Or there is a rationale behind adding additional tooling on even slim varients?

Thanks, Prasad.CH

tianon commented 4 years ago

You should not use Alpine-based OpenJDK images in production, full stop. OpenJDK is not officially supported on Alpine yet, and more community contribution has been requested in Project Portola before this is something that's official or recommended. Any existing Alpine images in the openjdk repository are either outdated and unsupported or are experimental early-access builds.

The slim variants are as slim as we can reasonably make them (the only things explicitly installed on top of the standard debian:buster-slim official image are ca-certificates and a tool to help manage those), and if you've got suggestions for more ways to make them slimmer, then a pull request would be very interesting. :+1:

$ docker pull openjdk:11-jre-slim-buster
11-jre-slim-buster: Pulling from library/openjdk
Digest: sha256:4a7d4c42f10c08491ffaf476d068f4e039bbce8e00d9488225ce80dde7ecae5c
Status: Image is up to date for openjdk:11-jre-slim-buster

$ docker run -it --rm openjdk:11-jre-slim-buster bash
root@82d257a315f2:/# apt-mark showmanual

$ docker run --rm openjdk:11-jre-slim-buster dpkg -l | wc -l
$ docker run --rm debian:buster-slim dpkg -l | wc -l
psakar commented 4 years ago

"You should not use Alpine-based OpenJDK images in production, full stop" - that is probably a bit to broad statement given alpine builds openjdk images - see*jdk*&branch=edge and other flavours of jdk are available from different vendors as well (eg

tianon commented 4 years ago

That's fair, but I think Azul is the only real exception there -- afaik, they're the only Alpine builds actually tested against the TCK.