docker-library / openjdk

Docker Official Image packaging for EA builds of OpenJDK from Oracle
MIT License
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openjdk:latest image scan finds ELSA-2021-9344 on AWS #467

Closed aderigs closed 2 years ago

aderigs commented 2 years ago

For some time now the aws ecr image-scan finds a vulnerability for openjdk:16 and openjdk:17. If you would put openjdk:latest into your private aws ecr you could reproduce this by caliing:

✗ aws ecr describe-image-scan-findings --repository-name "openjdk" --image-id imageTag="17" --region eu-central-1 --profile xyz
    "imageScanFindings": {
        "findings": [
                "name": "ELSA-2021-9344",
                "description": "    ",
                "uri": "",
                "severity": "HIGH",
                "attributes": [
                        "key": "package_version",
                        "value": "2.28-151.0.1.el8"
                        "key": "package_name",
                        "value": "glibc"
                "name": "ELSA-2021-9344",
                "description": "    ",
                "uri": "",
                "severity": "HIGH",
                "attributes": [
                        "key": "package_version",
                        "value": "2.28-151.0.1.el8"
                        "key": "package_name",
                        "value": "glibc-common"
                "name": "ELSA-2021-9344",
                "description": "    ",
                "uri": "",
                "severity": "HIGH",
                "attributes": [
                        "key": "package_version",
                        "value": "2.28-151.0.1.el8"
                        "key": "package_name",
                        "value": "glibc-minimal-langpack"
        "imageScanCompletedAt": 1631736265.0,
        "vulnerabilitySourceUpdatedAt": 1631722310.0,
        "findingSeverityCounts": {
            "HIGH": 3
    "registryId": "012345678901",
    "repositoryName": "openjdk",
    "imageId": {
        "imageDigest": "sha256:9f507a555448a8bdaa3c85f63c4e693e13e74a93a034803af7498f1d992dd3f9",
        "imageTag": "17"
    "imageScanStatus": {
        "status": "COMPLETE",
        "description": "The scan was completed successfully."

Do you know something about this? Is it a false positive?

wglambert commented 2 years ago lists the related CVE's for glibc Fixed in 2.31-13 for Bullseye Fixed in both Debian variants Fixed in 2.31-13 for Bullseye Fixed in 2.31-13 for Bullseye Fixed in 2.31-13 for Bullseye

$ docker run -it --rm openjdk:17-bullseye bash
root@cd79b8d98f93:/# ldd --version
ldd (Debian GLIBC 2.31-13) 2.31
$ docker run -it --rm openjdk:16-bullseye bash
root@3230c643895e:/# ldd --version
ldd (Debian GLIBC 2.31-13) 2.31

There's quite a few variants to pick from so you'll want to check with the respective OS that each is using to see what you'd prefer

See also And, docker-library/openjdk#161, docker-library/openjdk#112, docker-library/postgres#286, docker-library/drupal#84, docker-library/official-images#2740, docker-library/ruby#117, docker-library/ruby#94, docker-library/python#152, docker-library/php#242, docker-library/buildpack-deps#46, docker-library/openjdk#185.

A CVE doesn't imply having an actual vulnerability, and often is even a false positive (given how most distributions handle versioning/security updates in stable releases). If there are actionable items we can resolve, we're happy to do so (and do so actively). We update all Debian based images to include any updates in apt packages at least monthly (we regenerate the base images and then rebuild all dependent images).