docker / app

Make your Docker Compose applications reusable, and share them on Docker Hub
Apache License 2.0
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Sort app image ls by created #756

Closed zappy-shu closed 4 years ago

zappy-shu commented 4 years ago

- What I did

Sorts apps by created date (if available) when running app image ls with the latest created apps coming first.

- How I did it

Before printing the images they are first sorted by checking the custom payload. If the bundles contain a docker custom payload that has a creation date then this is used to sort them. If only one bundle has a creation date then it is considered the newer one. A stable sort is used so that non-App bundles and tags do not get muddled.

- How to verify it

Build multiple App images. Run docker app image ls. The result should order the images by creation date.

- Description for the changelog

App images are sorted by creation date with the newest first when running app image ls

- A picture of a cute animal (not mandatory)
