docker / cli

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Download looping docker image #3741

Open 1arrcy1 opened 2 years ago

1arrcy1 commented 2 years ago

Description Docker fills up hard drive even tho the docker image it self is 1 gb, it fills up to 70 GB. Im thinking it's redowloading something over and over till the drive get's filled up.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Use the same settings i am using down below
  2. Go to and download every image one at a time for e.g docker pull kasmweb/atom:1.11.0 docker pull kasmweb/audacity:1.11.0
  3. wait a long time till the drive get's filled

Expected Results: Expected was that it would download these image's in about 2 min per image and not that they would fill up the entire drive+ take for ever to extract

Actual Results: Downloading a docker image cause's a 100 GB drive to fill up. It seems to be continuing to fill up the entire drive even when the docker layers are already downloaded, it gets to extracting the layers. After approximately an hour the drive get's filled up and i receive an error prompt that says: the drive is full. After this the docker pull fails and clears up the drive with 20/30 GB+ not being being consistent.

Additional information you deem important (e.g. issue happens only occasionally): Any future requested information will be posted, also im not sure if this is a docker bug. It might also be a bug with lxc or proxmox, any insights on how i can possibly solve it is greatly appreciated.

Output of docker version:

(Client: Docker Engine - Community
 Version:           20.10.17
 API version:       1.41
 Go version:        go1.17.11
 Git commit:        100c701
 Built:             Mon Jun  6 23:02:46 2022
 OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
 Context:           default
 Experimental:      true

Server: Docker Engine - Community
  Version:          20.10.17
  API version:      1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.17.11
  Git commit:       a89b842
  Built:            Mon Jun  6 23:00:51 2022
  OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
  Experimental:     false
  Version:          1.6.7
  GitCommit:        0197261a30bf81f1ee8e6a4dd2dea0ef95d67ccb
  Version:          1.1.3
  GitCommit:        v1.1.3-0-g6724737
  Version:          0.19.0
  GitCommit:        de40ad0)

Output of docker info:

 Context:    default
 Debug Mode: false
  app: Docker App (Docker Inc., v0.9.1-beta3)
  buildx: Docker Buildx (Docker Inc., v0.8.2-docker)
  compose: Docker Compose (Docker Inc., v2.6.0)
  scan: Docker Scan (Docker Inc., v0.17.0)

 Containers: 4
  Running: 0
  Paused: 0
  Stopped: 4
 Images: 3
 Server Version: 20.10.17
 Storage Driver: vfs
 Logging Driver: json-file
 Cgroup Driver: systemd
 Cgroup Version: 2
  Volume: local
  Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
  Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk syslog
 Swarm: inactive
 Runtimes: io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux runc io.containerd.runc.v2
 Default Runtime: runc
 Init Binary: docker-init
 containerd version: 0197261a30bf81f1ee8e6a4dd2dea0ef95d67ccb
 runc version: v1.1.3-0-g6724737
 init version: de40ad0
 Security Options:
   Profile: default
 Kernel Version: 5.15.39-3-pve
 Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
 OSType: linux
 Architecture: x86_64
 CPUs: 2
 Total Memory: 4GiB
 Name: Kasm
 Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
 Debug Mode: false
 Experimental: false
 Insecure Registries:
 Live Restore Enabled: false)

Additional environment details (AWS, VirtualBox, physical, etc.): What am i using:

LXC config: arch: amd64 cores: 3 features: nesting=1 hostname: Kasm memory: 4096 net0: name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1,gw=,hwaddr=32:41:2F:73:C9:AB,ip=,tag=10,type=veth ostype: ubuntu parent: working rootfs: storage-nvme:subvol-121-disk-0,size=124G swap: 1024

Proxmox Packaging versions proxmox-ve: 7.2-1 (running kernel: 5.15.39-3-pve) pve-manager: 7.2-7 (running version: 7.2-7/d0dd0e85) pve-kernel-5.15: 7.2-8 pve-kernel-helper: 7.2-8 pve-kernel-5.13: 7.1-9 pve-kernel-5.11: 7.0-10 pve-kernel-5.4: 6.4-4 pve-kernel-5.15.39-3-pve: 5.15.39-3 pve-kernel-5.15.35-1-pve: 5.15.35-3 pve-kernel-5.13.19-6-pve: 5.13.19-15 pve-kernel-5.13.19-2-pve: 5.13.19-4 pve-kernel-5.11.22-7-pve: 5.11.22-12 pve-kernel-5.4.124-1-pve: 5.4.124-1 pve-kernel-5.4.34-1-pve: 5.4.34-2 ceph-fuse: 14.2.21-1 corosync: 3.1.5-pve2 criu: 3.15-1+pve-1 glusterfs-client: 9.2-1 ifupdown: 0.8.36+pve1 ksm-control-daemon: 1.4-1 libjs-extjs: 7.0.0-1 libknet1: 1.24-pve1 libproxmox-acme-perl: 1.4.2 libproxmox-backup-qemu0: 1.3.1-1 libpve-access-control: 7.2-4 libpve-apiclient-perl: 3.2-1 libpve-common-perl: 7.2-2 libpve-guest-common-perl: 4.1-2 libpve-http-server-perl: 4.1-3 libpve-storage-perl: 7.2-7 libqb0: 1.0.5-1 libspice-server1: 0.14.3-2.1 lvm2: 2.03.11-2.1 lxc-pve: 5.0.0-3 lxcfs: 4.0.12-pve1 novnc-pve: 1.3.0-3 proxmox-backup-client: 2.2.5-1 proxmox-backup-file-restore: 2.2.5-1 proxmox-mini-journalreader: 1.3-1 proxmox-widget-toolkit: 3.5.1 pve-cluster: 7.2-2 pve-container: 4.2-2 pve-docs: 7.2-2 pve-edk2-firmware: 3.20210831-2 pve-firewall: 4.2-5 pve-firmware: 3.5-1 pve-ha-manager: 3.4.0 pve-i18n: 2.7-2 pve-qemu-kvm: 6.2.0-11 pve-xtermjs: 4.16.0-1 qemu-server: 7.2-3 smartmontools: 7.2-pve3 spiceterm: 3.2-2 swtpm: 0.7.1~bpo11+1 vncterm: 1.7-1 zfsutils-linux: 2.1.5-pve1

Installation method:

Extra: Please watch this It shows what the actual problem is

thaJeztah commented 2 years ago

I think the issue you're seeing is because you're using the vfs storage driver; the vfs storage driver does not support copy-on-write, and doesn't provide a way to share files between layers.

Effectively, each layer is stored as a directory containing a full copy of the layer and all its parent layers, and each container runs with a full copy of the image. Because of the above, the vfs storage driver should only be used as a last resort (if none of the other storage drivers can be used), and mostly for testing purposes.

The lack of file sharing between layers makes storage very unefficient, which is amplified if an image contains many layers. For example, an image produced by the following Dockerfile will, when stored using the vfs storage driver, take (roughly) 3x the size of the alpine image;

FROM alpine
RUN echo "hello" > foo.txt
RUN echo "world" >> foo.txt

Giving that a spin on a fresh daemon (no other images stored);

docker build -t myimage -<<'EOF'
FROM alpine
RUN echo "hello" > foo.txt
RUN echo "world" >> foo.txt

# clean up build-cache
docker builder prune

So, while the "history" of the image shows the number of bytes added in each layer...

docker image history myimage
IMAGE          CREATED         CREATED BY                                      SIZE      COMMENT
d89db0ca393e   2 minutes ago   RUN /bin/sh -c echo "world" >> foo.txt # bui…   12B       buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing>      2 minutes ago   RUN /bin/sh -c echo "hello" > foo.txt # buil…   6B        buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing>      11 days ago     /bin/sh -c #(nop)  CMD ["/bin/sh"]              0B
<missing>      11 days ago     /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:2a949686d9886ac7c…   5.54MB

... the vfs driver stores the cumulative size of each; looking in its storage directory, you can see 3 full copies of the alpine image;

du -s /var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/*
6052    /var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/c281ad09d51abbae1e57b2b2c00d158bf5e3bb7d13377169961671bb6437d1f7
6056    /var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/ozr2g908tidoglcqrn7dl1na5
6056    /var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/taamt3cmd6e8hm887bsxbiops

One of which is the layer from the alpine image, and the second and third contain the foo.txt file;

cat /var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/ozr2g908tidoglcqrn7dl1na5/foo.txt

cat /var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/taamt3cmd6e8hm887bsxbiops/foo.txt