Closed collabnix closed 3 years ago
Something really strange has happened: the services exposing your etcd are there, but there is no etcd pod in your environment except for etcd operator infrastructure ones)
I faced a similar issue a couple times. I figured out that I was trying to deploy a new etcd cluster before etcd operator is up and running.
Both times I fixed running manually the following commands to create the etcd cluster used by compose:
$ cat > compose-etcd.yaml << EOF
apiVersion: ""
kind: "EtcdCluster"
name: "compose-etcd"
namespace: "compose"
size: 3
version: "3.2.13"
$ kubectl apply -f compose-etcd.yaml
Then, after the pods running I run the following to reinstall it:
$ ./installer-darwin -namespace=compose -uninstall
$ ./installer-darwin -namespace=compose -etcd-servers=http://compose-etcd-client:2379 -tag=v0.4.18
And then everything worked fine.
Not sure if it is the same issue but it worth a try.
I faced the same problem. This is how I fix it:
minikube delete
file above. This is the last step:
docker stack deploy --orchestrator=kubernetes -c docker-compose.yml mbt
docker stack ls --orchestrator=kubernetes
docker stack rm mbt --orchestrator=kubernetes
Update: After remove stack and restart minikube cluster by running:
docker stack rm mbt --orchestrator=kubernetes
minikube stop
minikube start
the problem is still persist. I can not deploy the stack again. Here are error messages:
Hi! Thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately we're no longer maintaining this repository so I will close this issue.
Verifying Minikube Status
Verifying Current Context
Listing out Services running in Minikube
Verifying Docker Version
Create docker-compose file
Listing out the stack
Any idea? It was working for me few minutes back.