docker / compose

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[BUG] Failed to compute cache key: failed to calculate checksum of ref ... #12028

Closed GayeongKimm closed 1 month ago

GayeongKimm commented 1 month ago


Hi, I have a problems flowing this: I'm working on a project that I'm doing at school, but it's so hard because I keep getting these errors. Deploying using github operation and docker, but >> COPY build/libs/sopo-2.0.0.jar/sopo.jar error appears here

스크린샷 2024-07-28 오후 8 05 18

It's called the path problem, and the Dockerfile is in the root path, and build/libs are in the root path. Jar files are also created, so why does this happen?

I'm still a high school student developer, so there's a lot I don't know, so please help me.


version:  '3'

    image:  redis:alpine
    container_name:  redis
    hostname:  redis
      - "6379:6379"

      context:  .
      dockerfile:  Dockerfile
    container_name:  sopo_redis
      - redis
      - "8080:8080"

Steps To Reproduce

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Compose Version

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Docker Environment

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Anything else?

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idsulik commented 1 month ago

Hi @GayeongKimm , could you please execute tree {path} command where {path} is the root directory with Dockerfile? it'll help to see the file structure. You can also check .dockerignore

ndeloof commented 1 month ago

Please try to reproduce with a plain docker build, and if same issue occurs, report to

GayeongKimm commented 1 month ago

안녕@GayeongKimmtree {path}, Dockerfile로 루트 디렉토리가 있는 명령을 실행해 주시겠어요 {path}? 파일 구조를 보는 데 도움이 될 거예요. 또한 확인할 수도 있어요..dockerignore

스크린샷 2024-07-30 오전 10 15 01

This is my project directory. I'm sending it like this because it's too long when I run the tree command And I don't have .dockerignore

GayeongKimm commented 1 month ago

Please try to reproduce with a plain docker build, and if same issue occurs, report to

It workde in local but not CI/CD what's wrong with my project?

GayeongKimm commented 1 month ago

I found a bug in my Gradle setup where I had specified the name of the .jar file, but this naming was not applied correctly in GitHub. I removed the code that specified the .jar file name and modified the Dockerfile. Finally, it worked! Thank you for help me.

Damilola94 commented 1 month ago

Please help I am having this issue in my bitbucket pipepline, it works well on local

failed to compute cache key: failed to calculate checksum of ref e349a683-0f89-40cd-88dc-b262a53b7195::oj9rbqd6dckxa583b6zgltvcj: "/app/.next/standalone": not found

It is nextjs 14.2.1 App

Please kindly assist