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docker desktop keep asking for the passphrase #115

Open amrsa1 opened 1 year ago

amrsa1 commented 1 year ago

Expected behavior

docker is running normally without asking for passphrase

Screenshot from 2023-01-22 22-34-28

Actual behavior

docker keep asking for phassphrase

if used the docker cli im getting this

failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = error getting credentials - err: exit status 1, out:error getting credentials - err: exit status 1, out: exit status 2: gpg: decryption failed: No secret key


Steps to reproduce the behavior

chenstanilovsky commented 1 year ago


cardonator commented 1 year ago

This is so annoying and unnecessary. I'm not even using GPG for anything in Docker Desktop. If I don't provide it, then pulling and some other stuff breaks nonsensically.

wyattbiker commented 1 year ago

+1. Annoying to say the least

MRIservice commented 1 year ago

This is so annoying and needs a solution.
Is it docker desktop logging into docker-hub? Is the fix in docker hub or in docker desktop?

speightashley commented 11 months ago

I second that. It's really annoying. I'm only using open pgp for docker desktop on Arch and it pops up randomly. It's not even whilst I am developing anything. Watching a movie in bed at night and I get pop ups asking for my open pgp password. Absolutely ridiculous. I've used pgp keys with Github before and it's never done anything like it's doing with docker desktop.

varfrog commented 11 months ago

@speightashley I had the same problem. Since my Docker Desktop usage is quite basic - view logs, start/destroy containers and volumes, I can do all of that from my IDE (GoLand), so I ended up with just using plain Docker Engine, not Docker Desktop.

leodip commented 7 months ago

I'm having this issue too and it's very annoying. I'm considering uninstalling docker desktop for Linux. Is there a solution or workaround?

zzap commented 6 months ago


joh4nd commented 5 months ago

one year later, what's up?

As a solution, perhaps one could just save the pass to seahorse "save in password manager"?

This will store the passphrase to the pgp key in pass/seahorse by reference to the keygrip that can be easily retrieved $ gpg --list-secret-keys --with-keygrip

0xAv1dd commented 2 months ago

still a problem to this day

Maddog0057 commented 2 months ago

Still a problem on latest. This is ridiculously annoying, I get pop-ups roughly every 40 minutes or so. I avoid signing in to docker desktop where possible because of this mess.

0xAv1dd commented 2 months ago

Add it to your keyring (should be a box to tick next time it comes up) haven't had it pop up since

varfrog commented 2 months ago

Add it to your keyring (should be a box to tick next time it comes up) haven't had it pop up since

Is this popup part of the docker desktop app? If so, is it a new feature that's been added?

Edit: oh, in the issue description the screenshot does have a checkbox, but it does not work. Maybe it's been fixed (?)

XCroatoanX commented 1 month ago

Still not fixed, annoying issue

simtrami commented 1 month ago

This is probably not a fix as it consists in removing a security challenge and that's never the right solution, but you can remove the passphrase for the pgp key.

Simply execute gpg2 --change-passphrase <key-id>, enter the current passphrase and when prompted to enter a new one, just hit OK (or press Enter). You might get a warning saying this is not a good idea: take a deep breath and confirm.

If you used this PGP key for something else, I'd strongly advise against doing this. Otherwise, if the key was created solely for the purpose of entering a passphrase every 40 minutes, I'd consider taking the risk and offering yourself some peace.

Karimai commented 3 weeks ago

I removed the secret-key at the end. $ gpg --list-secret-keys /home/user/.gnupg/pubring.kbx

sec rsa3072 DATE [SC] [expires: DATE] XYZ uid [ultimate] User ssb rsa3072 DATE [E] [expires: DATE]

$ gpg --delete-secret-keys XYZ

and there is no longer prompt anymore. It may not be the ideal choice however it was too annoying.