docker / docker-bench-security

The Docker Bench for Security is a script that checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker containers in production.
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[false positive] MaximumRetryCount is not set to 5: #521

Closed andreagalle closed 1 year ago

andreagalle commented 1 year ago

I keep getting the false positive below (in section 5.14 of you report) running the v1.5.0 script on my env

  [WARN] 5.14 - Ensure that the 'on-failure' container restart policy is set to '5' (Automated)
  [WARN]       * MaximumRetryCount is not set to 5: my-stack_working-test.1.hn66bykaqaxp2r0jkxjkb4lyb

even if the MaximumRetryCount is properly configured (or better. the "MaxAttempts" one)

  [root@172 test]# docker service inspect my-stack_working-test | grep -in "MaxAttempts" -B 5 -A 5 --color
  28-                },
  29-                "Resources": {},
  30-                "RestartPolicy": {
  31-                    "Condition": "on-failure",
  32-                    "Delay": 5000000000,
  33:                    "MaxAttempts": 5
  34-                },
  35-                "Placement": {},
  36-                "Networks": [
  37-                    {
  38-                        "Target": "hwiiab56tunn7gtaiur4tmngk",
  [root@172 test]# docker service inspect my-stack_crashing-test | grep -in "MaxAttempts" -B 5 -A 5 --color
  28-                },
  29-                "Resources": {},
  30-                "RestartPolicy": {
  31-                    "Condition": "on-failure",
  32-                    "Delay": 5000000000,
  33:                    "MaxAttempts": 5
  34-                },
  35-                "Placement": {},
  36-                "Networks": [
  37-                    {
  38-                        "Target": "hwiiab56tunn7gtaiur4tmngk",

and working as expected:

  [root@172 test]# docker service ps my-stack_working-test --no-trunc
  ID                          NAME                      IMAGE               NODE            DESIRED STATE   CURRENT STATE           ERROR     PORTS
  hn66bykaqaxp2r0jkxjkb4lyb   my-stack_working-test.1   work-image:latest   ***.**.***.**   Running         Running 9 minutes ago
  [root@172 test]# docker service ps my-stack_crashing-test --no-trunc
  ID                          NAME                           IMAGE                NODE            DESIRED STATE   CURRENT STATE          ERROR                       PORTS
  xjq2q8czw441u5kfhhwg0eybn   my-stack_crashing-test.1       crash-image:latest   ***.**.***.**   Shutdown        Failed 9 minutes ago   "task: non-zero exit (1)"
  2fq1qcratulyzw64jgxqeauz9    \_ my-stack_crashing-test.1   crash-image:latest   ***.**.***.**   Shutdown        Failed 9 minutes ago   "task: non-zero exit (1)"
  74av33ziti9rz58i5ojwbvqr2    \_ my-stack_crashing-test.1   crash-image:latest   ***.**.***.**   Shutdown        Failed 9 minutes ago   "task: non-zero exit (1)"
  rbzswrlkkepm4g7rmb2hjcliv    \_ my-stack_crashing-test.1   crash-image:latest   ***.**.***.**   Shutdown        Failed 9 minutes ago   "task: non-zero exit (1)"
  x28qnn1t4yi72dcyana2zh6ty    \_ my-stack_crashing-test.1   crash-image:latest   ***.**.***.**   Shutdown        Failed 9 minutes ago   "task: non-zero exit (1)"
  a454ffhssmb2hobamq5bdt33e    \_ my-stack_crashing-test.1   crash-image:latest   ***.**.***.**   Shutdown        Failed 9 minutes ago   "task: non-zero exit (1)"

I made couple tests on the following Docker images (below everything to reproduce this issue):

  1. first service (working one) is built from the Dockerfile below:

    FROM alpine:latest
    CMD sh -c "ping localhost"
  2. second service (crashing one) is built from the Dockerfile below:

    FROM alpine:latest
    CMD sh -c "exit 1"

The two services are deployed, from the following stack-file.yml

  version: "3.9"

      image: work-image:latest
          max_attempts: 5
          condition: on-failure
      image: crash-image:latest
          max_attempts: 5
          condition: on-failure

to docker swarm, with this command:

  docker stack deploy --compose-file stack-file.yml my-stack

What's wrong with the above configuration, or rather with the utility, when it checks for the MaximumRetryCount that seems to me properly configured and working as expected? Maybe this is just an issue of misalignment between these two properties?

I am using Docker version 23.0.1:

  [root@172 docker-bench-security-1.5.0]# docker version
  Client: Docker Engine - Community
   Version:           23.0.1
   API version:       1.42
   Go version:        go1.19.5
   Git commit:        a5ee5b1
   Built:             Thu Feb  9 19:51:00 2023
   OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
   Context:           default

  Server: Docker Engine - Community
    Version:          23.0.1
    API version:      1.42 (minimum version 1.12)
    Go version:       go1.19.5
    Git commit:       bc3805a
    Built:            Thu Feb  9 19:48:42 2023
    OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
    Experimental:     false
    Version:          1.6.18
    GitCommit:        2456e983eb9e37e47538f59ea18f2043c9a73640
    Version:          1.1.4
    GitCommit:        v1.1.4-0-g5fd4c4d
    Version:          0.19.0
    GitCommit:        de40ad0
konstruktoid commented 1 year ago

Hi @andreagalle the test is probably just missing the correct value, since services, stacks and swarm hasn't really been inclued.

will have a look

andreagalle commented 1 year ago

I can see from your sources, the check is made on the containers, where in fact the MaximumRetryCount property is 0 in my case too.

  [root@172 test]# docker inspect --format MaximumRetryCount='{{ .HostConfig.RestartPolicy.MaximumRetryCount }}' 27a2ef894e2b
  [root@172 test]# docker inspect --format MaximumRetryCount='{{ .HostConfig.RestartPolicy.MaximumRetryCount }}' 49d09a6bd0fd

Is it more correct to set it for containers too, rather than for services (as I am doing right now) or better for you to check both the container and the corresponding service property, replacing the above lines with the following one?

cpolicy=$(docker inspect --format MaximumRetryCount='{{ .HostConfig.RestartPolicy.MaximumRetryCount }}' "$c")
spolicy=$(docker inspect --format MaxAttempts='{{ .Spec.TaskTemplate.RestartPolicy.MaxAttempts }}' "$s")

if [ "$cpolicy" != "MaximumRetryCount=5" ] || [ "$spolicy" != "MaxAttempts"=5" ]; then

where $s is the list of services as well as $c is the one for containers.

konstruktoid commented 1 year ago

yeah, the last example is what i was going for

want to write a PR?

konstruktoid commented 1 year ago

but note that you need to exclude any service containers from $c as well

for id in $(docker inspect $(docker ps -qa) --format '{{ .Id }}'); do if [ "$id" = "$(docker inspect $(docker service ps -q issue521_working-test) --format '{{ .Status.ContainerStatus.ContainerID }}')" ]; then echo "the container is actually a service"; fi ; done

andreagalle commented 1 year ago

yeah, the last example is what i was going for

want to write a PR?

Yes, I will!

Chatting with chatGPT it seems there's no workaround to set the MaximumRetryCount at container level from the stack file.

"The MaximumRetryCount property is a property of the RestartPolicy within the HostConfig of a container. You can set this property when starting a container using the --restart flag with the docker run command. For example, to set the MaximumRetryCount to 5 for a container, you would use the command docker run --restart=on-failure:5 [image_name].

However, when using Docker Compose and swarm mode, you cannot directly set the MaximumRetryCount property for individual containers. Instead, you can set the max_attempts property of the restart_policy within the deploy key in your stack-file.yml, which will apply to all containers created for that service .

In Docker Compose and swarm mode, the restart_policy is specified at the service level within the deploy key in the stack-file.yml. This means that the restart policy applies to all containers created for that service. The max_attempts property of the restart_policy specifies the maximum number of times to restart a container before giving up .

The MaximumRetryCount property of the RestartPolicy within the HostConfig of a container is not directly settable in Docker Compose and swarm mode because it is not part of the service-level configuration. Instead, you can use the max_attempts property of the restart_policy to achieve similar functionality."

All this sounds correct to me. Didn't find any docs talking about how to setup this container property from the stack file.

andreagalle commented 1 year ago

@konstruktoid I made it! #522

but note that you need to exclude any service containers from $c as well

for id in $(docker inspect $(docker ps -qa) --format '{{ .Id }}'); do if [ "$id" = "$(docker inspect $(docker service ps -q issue521_working-test) --format '{{ .Status.ContainerStatus.ContainerID }}')" ]; then echo "the container is actually a service"; fi ; done

Thanks for the clarification on checking whether the container was part of a service or not. I followed another path. However, I think it is worth mentioning that (there are a couple lines of comment there) the container Name is not checked against the service Name only, but the task_id is compared between the two, providing for better consistency. I mean:

# a container name could arbitrary include a service one: it belongs to a service (created by Docker 
# as part of the service), if the container task ID matches one of the task IDs of the service.

Maybe the warn message, could then be more precise:

warn "      * MaximumRetryCount is not set to 5: $c"

telling whether it is the container or the service (or both!) not having the property properly set, but then I though it might be a little out of scope. I was wondering if it would be correct to provide such an information on the module.