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Docker documentation erroneously claims Here-Documents being a Docker feature – they are a shell feature instead #19926

Open SetTrend opened 2 months ago

SetTrend commented 2 months ago

Is this a docs issue?

Type of issue

Information is incorrect


The Docker documentation claims that Here-Documents are a Docker feature that may be used with every shell.

However, Here-Documents do not work with Windows cmd or PowerShell.



It should be explicitly mentioned in the documentation that Here-Documents are a shell feature that is only available to shells supporting this feature and it's just coincidentally available to the Dockerfile RUN instruction due to the shell supporting this feature.

dvdksn commented 2 months ago

This section refers to heredocs in Dockerfiles, and has nothing to do with shells. It refers to BuildKit's ability to interpret multi-line RUN and COPY instructions by using heredoc delimiters for those instructions, as shown in the examples.

Are you observing some kind of issue with heredocs in Dockerfiles?

SetTrend commented 2 months ago

Yet, apparently, the Here-Document is interpreted by the shell, not by the Dockerfile:

When I'm using this Dockerfile:

# escape=`

… I'm getting this build output:

Sending build context to Docker daemon ...
Step 1/2 : FROM
 ---> d7c03b5bcc73
Step 2/2 : RUN <<EOT
 ---> Running in 1e07112fa6d9
<< was unexpected at this time.
The command 'cmd /S /C <<EOT' returned a non-zero code: 1
dvdksn commented 2 months ago

@tonistiigi is this working as intended? I would've thought that the heredocs for RUN are shell-agnostic, but looks like they aren't. Do Windows shells have an alternative syntax, e.g. PowerShell here-strings?