broker := func(to, from *net.TCPConn) {
written, err := io.Copy(to, from)
if err != nil {
// If the socket we are writing to is shutdown with
// SHUT_WR, forward it to the other end of the pipe:
if err, ok := err.(*net.OpError); ok && err.Err == syscall.EPIPE {
_ = from.CloseRead()
_ = to.CloseWrite()
event <- written
net.OpError.Err is *os.SyscallError, os.SyscallError.Err can not be syscall.Errno
maybe this is expected behavior
broker := func(to, from *net.TCPConn) {
written, err := io.Copy(to, from)
if err != nil {
// If the socket we are writing to is shutdown with
// SHUT_WR, forward it to the other end of the pipe:
var errno syscall.Errno
if errors.As(err, &errno) && errno == syscall.EPIPE {
_ = from.CloseRead()
_ = to.CloseWrite()
event <- written
net.OpError.Err is *os.SyscallError, os.SyscallError.Err can not be syscall.Errno
maybe this is expected behavior