docker / hub-feedback

Feedback and bug reports for the Docker Hub
233 stars 40 forks source link

docker search returns incomplete results #2179

Closed dchevell closed 2 years ago

dchevell commented 2 years ago


We (Atlassian) have a customer relying on docker search to find and update images. They've found that none of the images belonging to the atlassian org on appear in docker search results, despite being publicly listed and visible in the web search results, and we can reliably reproduce this issue across all clients.

I'd expect our images to appear somewhere in the results list, given their star counts should put them near the top. Searching via Docker Hub's web interface returns these images. One thing we noticed is that the v1 API returns the same results as the CLI, with these images also missing, so I'm guessing the CLI is depending on the v1 API for search:

There's nothing evident to me in the configuration of these published images that would explain this, the discrepancy only appears in the cli search. If I'm missing something let me know, but I'm unable to determine any other possible cause or configuration error.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Run docker search atlassian

Describe the results you received: Images, sorted by stars, do not include any results from atlassian/*

Describe the results you expected: atlassian/jira-software (as an example) should appear near the top of the list, sorted by stars

(additional client-side diagnostics omitted as this is reproducible in server-side API results)

thaJeztah commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting; this looks to be an issue with Docker Hub; the endpoint on hub is indeed what's used by the daemon to perform the search;

Let me transfer this ticket to the hub-feedback issue tracker, and try to have someone from the Docker Hub team to have a look

dchevell commented 2 years ago

Hi team, any updates or suggestions?

ingshtrom commented 2 years ago

I have brought up the issue with the development team. They are aware and are prioritizing the work. Thank you for the report!

jonnystoten commented 2 years ago

This has been fixed now. Thanks again for reporting @dchevell!

dchevell commented 2 years ago

This has been fixed now. Thanks again for reporting @dchevell!

Thank you! Out of curiosity, was there anything up with our account causing this?

jonnystoten commented 2 years ago

No, there's nothing wrong with your account - this was a bug in our search API.