docker / hub-feedback

Feedback and bug reports for the Docker Hub
234 stars 39 forks source link

Please integrate with #334

Open thozza opened 9 years ago

thozza commented 9 years ago


Since Gitlab already provides their hosted service for git repositories it would be great to have Docker Hub being integrated with Right now I have to mirror my repo with Dockerfile on Github or Bitbucket to be able to have automated builds.

kencochrane commented 9 years ago

It is already in progress :)

thozza commented 9 years ago

@kencochrane great! Thanks for the info. :wink:

anandchida commented 8 years ago

Do we have an ETA of this integration? Would love to move to hosted docker hub if gitlab support is available

Jonjoe commented 8 years ago

+1 on giving an eta :) we have had to split our repos between bb and github. If we can get better GL integration it would be a dream come true <3

kencochrane commented 8 years ago

Paging @mattsoldo so he can give an eta.

joeldrapper commented 8 years ago


ejaz-ahmed commented 8 years ago

Any update on this issue?

pgrm commented 8 years ago


jangorecki commented 8 years ago


zwarag commented 8 years ago

@kencochrane Will this work with private hosted GitLabs to or only with the main one? Or same question just different, do you plan on adding support for plain git like does?

kencochrane commented 8 years ago

@pchico83 @dustinlacewell @caervs Can you answer those questions?

pkennedyr commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! We are actively expanding our list of supported source providers on both Docker Hub and Docker Cloud and are targeting support for GitLab later in 2016.

Re: linking to a custom Git repository, we are happy to explore this option as well. Please upvote here to indicate interest in this feature, which will help us prioritize accordingly.

jimador commented 8 years ago

+1 It would be nice to have Gitlab integration, but a custom git solution might be more generic.

thozza commented 8 years ago

I guess we don't need Docker Hub for GitLab any more... ;)

c33s commented 8 years ago

would prefer to use with gitlabs registry. but dockerhub should also support generic git repos

the container-registry on gitlab doesn't really help, the main purpose for adding gitlab support for me is the automated build. i would love to only edit the dockerfile in my gitlab repo and the image gets automatically build by docker hub

DrChr commented 7 years ago

Any update on this issue? (An earlier post mentioned later in 2016, and now we're in a very early 2017)

czende commented 7 years ago


andreasunterhuber commented 7 years ago


teodorescuserban commented 7 years ago

+1 any update on this?

hraban commented 7 years ago

@c33s gitlab CI offers automatic building and uploading to the registry, much like dockerhub with github integration. it's done by putting the regular build and push commands in a CI dot-file in the repository instead of magically done by the registry through a push webhook, but the end result is the same: push to gitlab ---> automatically update the image in the registry.

see ("Use with Gitlab CI" at the bottom)

I just tested this and it works fine.

Their sample .yml is not ideal, for clarity's sake here's mine:

  image: docker:git
  - docker:dind
    - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_BUILD_TOKEN
    - docker build -t .
    - docker push
    - master
Jonjoe commented 7 years ago

Thanks @hraban

TheYorkshireDev commented 7 years ago

@kencochrane Any update on this? As some of the previous commenters have mentioned this was opened in 2015 with the feature to be added in 2016. It is now 2017 and there is still no real news. It would be great to have gitlab as an option for been a linked account just like github and bitbucket is.

screen shot 2017-07-12 at 20 02 37

Does anyone know if this is still in the works?

mileo commented 7 years ago


murbano83 commented 7 years ago

@kencochrane @pkennedyr @pchico83 no news on this?

metalcamp commented 7 years ago

Any news on this? For now I figured out a solution similar to @hraban, but complete integration would be great.

RAYs3T commented 6 years ago

@kencochrane Anything new on this?

teodorescuserban commented 6 years ago

FYI my .gitlab-ci.yml (using a private gitlab runner) that will start building everytime a branch is changed.


  - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY

  stage: build
    - docker build -t $IMAGE_TAG .
    - docker push $IMAGE_TAG
mckaygerhard commented 6 years ago

docker cloud will no more since 21 may! ja! so in any case never was sense in "made inside other"!

so this issue has no importance any more!

metalcamp commented 6 years ago

@mckaygerhard Docker Hub != Docker Cloud

olearycrew commented 6 years ago

/giphy waiting

lukad commented 6 years ago

The missing GitLab integration is the only thing keeping me from moving all my projects to GitLab. So +1 for this!

teodorescuserban commented 6 years ago

In the recent events around Microsoft acquiring GitHub I do hope this issue gets some more attention.

bbashy commented 6 years ago

@teodorescuserban Tell me about it. Just moved everything and found out I can't change the repo to GitLab's... confusing. May just remove the project and build it in GitLab registry for myself instead of publicly.

teodorescuserban commented 6 years ago

@bbashy yep, thats what i did. (see above a very simple .gitlab-ci.yml)

neechbear commented 6 years ago

Any progress on this? I imagine there will be many more people who are interested in this now since the GitHub announcement.

ghost commented 6 years ago

I'm running with the .gitlab-ci.yml setup for now. I'm also waiting for to add GitLab support for the rest of my projects. GitLab's CI is OK but it's just not wonderful-fantastic.

FrankGiesecke commented 6 years ago


createchange commented 6 years ago


Queuecumber commented 6 years ago

@kencochrane 3 years later and no official statement, can you tell us anything?

kencochrane commented 6 years ago

@Queuecumber sorry I don't work for Docker anymore, so I can't help you.

yajo commented 6 years ago

Gitlab ships a fully integrated docker registry, FYI.

FrankGiesecke commented 6 years ago

@Yajo: That’s right, but for people who will host images on docker hub (using the automated build feature), it’s necessary to get a connector similar to GitHub.

RAYs3T commented 6 years ago

@FrankGiesecke You can use GitLab's build-in CI to build and push the image. See this project for example:

You can also use it to push images to the offical registry.

FrankGiesecke commented 6 years ago

@RAYs3T That’s also right. But using the built in CI of GitLab will cost runner time. Automated builds on Docker Hub won’t.

Currently, the most image projects are hosted on GitHub using the automated build on Docker Hub. Since Microsoft has taken over, many developers are looking for alternatives like GitLab. So a connector to GitLab will make sense for developers who want to migrate their projects.

06kellyjac commented 6 years ago

Additionally, I don't know if this is fact but I've personally experienced automated builds ranking higher on Docker Hub searches than non-automated builds of similar or more downloads & stars.

RAYs3T commented 6 years ago

@FrankGiesecke You will get 2000 free minutes per month on gitlab. Even for closed projects. And the quota is calculated also per group. So you won't use your personal quota if the project is member of a group. And 2000 minutes / month should be enough?

It seems like the gitlab integration is not really wanted - we waiting for YEARS now, and nothing is happening. So we need some work-a-rounds for it...

@06kellyjac Ok, that one is quite important. So images which are not costing money (because the build-process is external) are treated worse then the pricey ones, running on the own infrastructure ❓

06kellyjac commented 6 years ago

@RAYs3T It's hard to find examples but if you search mutt on docker hub jessfraz/mutt is below cmoultrie/mutt

Name jessfraz/mutt cmoultrie/mutt
Automated No Yes
Stars 0 0
Pulls 187 138
Size 24MB 123MB
Last changed 5 days ago 1 year ago

There are a couple behind-the-scenes factors that could maybe impact it's position in the rankings:

The best way to test this would probably be to create 2 new accounts & matching dockerfiles and play with staring and increasing the pull count of each docker image etc.

Note: I wouldn't be surprised if people could find cases showing the opposite. I think I have seen the opposite but it's more often not in my (limited) experience. Would be interesting to find out if that really impacts the search rankings.
Regardless of if it impacts search position, I generally prefer Auto builds myself as I can look at the docker image in the Hub or click the Repo link to have a look; I don't have to pull the docker image and investigate it on my machine to see if the contents match the repo, or build the image from the dockerfile myself, as I know it was actually built from the repo's dockerfile by docker. This preference for auto-builds would impact pull count and general popularity of any image even if the search ranking doesn't account for auto-builds.

yajo commented 6 years ago

Another option Gitlab has is to define a git mirror.

06kellyjac commented 6 years ago

@Yajo yep, that's mentioned in the initial issue from 2015 😃 That's the approach I'm using but I'd rather not.

Vadim-Zenin commented 5 years ago

thozza opened this issue on 4 Sep 2015 After 3 (THREE YEARS) in 21 October 2018: no integration:


Please integrate GitLab, because a lot of Open Source communities and members will move from GitHub after Microsoft acquisition. It has happened with Novell and Suse. We remember what happened with Nokia.

EU commission approves acquisition of GitHub by Microsoft

Goodbye GitHub. Hello GitLab!