docker / hub-feedback

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Not receiving activate email for new account #631

Closed KALRONG closed 8 years ago

KALRONG commented 8 years ago

Hi all,

Hope this is the correct place for this.

I have registered on monday (I think) on but didn't get the email to activate my account so I can't login. I have tried the feature for lost password that resends this email but no luck so far.

My account ID is KALRONG

Thanks in advance!

kizbitz commented 8 years ago

Hi Kalrong,

Could you open a support ticket by sending an email to I've looked at your account and there is an issue I don't want to discuss publicly.

When you open the ticket could you also add a link to this issue?



KALRONG commented 8 years ago

Sure, thanks a lot

bholagabbar commented 7 years ago

@kizbitz I tried signing up for a new account but didn't get any email either. I don't think there cuold have been an issue with my account before signing up :P I also tried forgot password 2 times but no email

codexcoding commented 7 years ago

@kizbitz Hi - I am getting the same problem. After setting up my account no account verification is being sent so I cant verify the account and use docker-hub. I have checked the email my seeing if I mistyped it by trying to set up as second account and I am told my original email is already assigned. So my setup details seem ok.

maxwo commented 7 years ago

Hi - Same here. I created my docker hub account, but couldn't receive my activation email.

My ID is : maxwo

Thanks in advance.

saeedonweb commented 6 years ago

Created a new account, but no activation email.

bigmeech commented 6 years ago

Same issue here. id is vendex

omar-jandali commented 6 years ago

I am getting the same issue and I opened a new ticket with but no one has replied yet. What shall I do

omar-jandali commented 6 years ago

accountId = splitbeta

dancooke commented 6 years ago

Same here. id is dancooke

CineXMike commented 6 years ago

same issue here, id = CineXMike

benoj commented 6 years ago

same here id = benwrisk

rbrugnollo commented 6 years ago

Same here id= devwolfautoparts

rbrugnollo commented 6 years ago

Hi guys I got a work around for it, ask docker hub to reset your password. After you do it you can login.

sharycherry commented 6 years ago

same here id = yuesheng1101

jjdepaul commented 6 years ago

same here - didn't get email confirmation for id: simplehuman

Please resend

makis-spy commented 6 years ago

same soooo annoying

mikey-t commented 6 years ago

Me too thanks

istonevol commented 6 years ago

I having the same problem. Username: istonevol

kirk86 commented 6 years ago

Same as everyone else. Are the docker people monitoring this at all? Why is this taged as closed in the first place? Resetting password doesn't do the trick for me.

tla commented 6 years ago

I had the same problem, and the password reset trick worked for me.

oozaan commented 6 years ago

Had the same problem. As @tla mentioned the solution: password reset (check spam folder) is working!

cpmech commented 6 years ago

same problem here: cpmech (resetting pwd doesn't work for me)

Cezarion commented 6 years ago

Yep, me too, same problem with id fabernovelcode. Reseting password doesn't work for me too.

theprotobyte commented 6 years ago

same here: protobyte

garethdwio commented 6 years ago

Same problem too. username is garethdwio I emailed support and got ticket 00041135 but haven't heard anything back

stevenhayes-hn commented 6 years ago

Same here, resetting didn't work either ID: y14379

Fanevanjanahary commented 6 years ago

I had the same problem. I created a new account here It works

paulvanvulpen commented 6 years ago

Same problem. No luck with the forget password trick :/

gaeshi commented 6 years ago

Same problem. Cannot reset password.

soychicka commented 6 years ago

ditto. same id as here. checking spam for every email I can think of following pw reset, nada.

lutingrong commented 6 years ago


My id is "lutingrong". I cannot login with the error "Account not active yet. Please check your email to activate your account", but I didn't received any email from and I cannot find a way to make resend an email. It's dead lock now, please help fix this issue. Thanks.

Regards, Tingrong

rwtaylorjr commented 6 years ago

Same here. Signed up for new account, but no activation email. I'm stuck. Tried to log in using my new credentials, however, it says my account is not activated

kirk86 commented 6 years ago

And the strangest part is that no one from docker is giving a f*** or paying any attention to errors on github. Someone should definitely reopen the issue.

m-duran commented 6 years ago

I also did not receive an email after signing up, and reset password did nothing either.

paulvanvulpen commented 6 years ago

many people still seem to have the problem. When I reported it here I sent a support ticket and they solved it manually within a few hours, so that would be my best advice for now

ArthurJiang commented 6 years ago

Same here, I tried to re-create a new account and forget the pwd, never get an active email or reset pwd email.

My two accounts: arthurjiang and pixarmoon.

crvs commented 6 years ago

same thing, tried resetting password, no email. created a new account, still no email accounts: crvs and crvsf

CarlosRosario commented 6 years ago

I'm also having the same issue. I've tried to reset my password multiple times but i have not yet received any kind of activation email. I've gone ahead and taken @Gulzt advice and submitted a support ticket

gambiTarun commented 6 years ago

same issue here, id = tarun0131

suradidchao commented 6 years ago

same issue too, username = chillshyld

demhoisee commented 6 years ago

same issue username = demhoise

programingnotes commented 6 years ago

@kizb1tz is the one assigned to this issue. Please tag him when reporting issues and then escalate up if you are not getting the response you need. Complaining here without actually tagging anyone isn't helping.

kirk86 commented 6 years ago

@programingnotes thanks for letting us know that @kizbitz should have a look at it. Anyone ending in this long thread immediately would conclude that no one from docker actually cares given the extended long time to respond and provide a solution.

StevenWillett commented 5 years ago

+1 on this issue, [no activation email received] on my main account it came through about 24 hours later finally, on a new account (digitalkrate) for a new venture the activation email has still not come through over 2 hours after signing up, and not great when i am hoping to deploy a new project today to Docker Hub for deployment to my Rancher instance with the connected registry. I have however been able to connect the Rancher registry via the API using the credentials just cannot login or push images up yet so currently a Blocker to the project.

wangjiegulu commented 5 years ago

same issues, also can not receive email when I reset password. my account: wangjiegulu

dhavalsoni2001 commented 5 years ago

Same issue, not receiving activation email when I signup. my account: dhavalsoni2001

klxq commented 5 years ago

Same issue, docker id is klxqdotcc, thanks in advance.

rmiller-sgntr commented 5 years ago

Same here, ronenmiller , thanks.

abrose commented 5 years ago

Same here. How can it be that this issue is being reported for more than two years now and there is apparently still no solution?