docker / libkv

Distributed key/value store abstraction library
Apache License 2.0
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Add support for ACL #29

Open cosminilie opened 9 years ago

cosminilie commented 9 years ago


I want to use this library as part of our codebase internally, however while looking at it i noticed there is no ACL support. Doing a bit more documentation i noticed that off the 3 supported stores only ETCD didn't support the usage of ACL, however they seem to be integrating this feature in 2.1. Internally we use zookeeper and we rely heavily on ACL's to secure access to sensible keys.

Are you considering adding support anytime soon?

Thank you, Cosmin

abronan commented 9 years ago

Hi @cosminilie, Yes this is definitely something we'd consider to include, although we don't know when this will happen. We are looking closely to the changes made to etcd and their new API v3 but ACLs does not seem to be part of the Go client yet (ACLs are only supported for Consul and Zookeeper Go clients). Hopefully we'll see evolution on this side in the next few weeks, months.

abronan commented 8 years ago

The new etcd client now includes support for ACLs, so this might be included after migrating to the new client (tracked by #53).

cosminilie commented 8 years ago

Great, looking forward to this.

puco commented 8 years ago


greggilbert commented 7 years ago

Digging this one up; it's been at least a year since this was last touched. Any updates?

ekristen commented 7 years ago


code-ape commented 7 years ago

@abronan I wanted to check on the status of this. I see that etcd migration you did (#53) was a success and completed in October 2015 (#75). I don't claim deep familiarity with etcd but I know that it has supported users and roles since etcd 2.1 (link to etcd documentation).

This work to add users and roles looks to part of issues: coreos/etcd#2242, coreos/etcd#2384, and coreos/etcd#2654.

Is the current user / role system of etcd satisfactory to do an ACL overlay in libkv or are things still missing?

Thanks, code-ape

KRaFFiX commented 6 years ago
