docker / packaging

Docker Packaging (apk, deb, rpm, static)
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Distro package release #85

Open crazy-max opened 2 years ago

crazy-max commented 2 years ago

Atm following distro packages matrix is in place in this repo:

Distro Release Filename
centos 7 docker-buildx-plugin-0.8.1-centos7.x86_64.rpm
centos 8 docker-buildx-plugin-0.8.1-centos8.x86_64.rpm
fedora 33 docker-buildx-plugin-0.8.1-fedora33.x86_64.rpm
fedora 34 docker-buildx-plugin-0.8.1-fedora34.x86_64.rpm
fedora 35 docker-buildx-plugin-0.8.1-fedora35.x86_64.rpm
fedora 36 docker-buildx-plugin-0.8.1-fedora36.x86_64.rpm
debian 10 docker-buildx-plugin_0.8.1-debian10_amd64.deb
debian 11 docker-buildx-plugin_0.8.1-debian11_amd64.deb
alpine r0 docker-buildx-plugin_0.8.1-r0_x86_64.apk
raspbian 10 docker-buildx-plugin_0.8.1-raspbian10_amd64.deb
raspbian 11 docker-buildx-plugin_0.8.1-raspbian11_amd64.deb
ubuntu 1804 docker-buildx-plugin_0.8.1-ubuntu1804_amd64.deb
ubuntu 2004 docker-buildx-plugin_0.8.1-ubuntu2004_amd64.deb
ubuntu 2110 docker-buildx-plugin_0.8.1-ubuntu2110_amd64.deb
ubuntu 2204 docker-buildx-plugin_0.8.1-ubuntu2204_amd64.deb

only x86_64 packages are displayed in this table as an example but we support more platforms:

@thaJeztah Looking at this issue I guess the current behavior here is correct. Should we align docker-ce-packaging and containerd-package repos with this release scheme?

thaJeztah commented 1 year ago

Things to look for;