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[Docker Hub] Distributing Wasm, containers and artifacts to browsers #667

Open ktock opened 2 weeks ago

ktock commented 2 weeks ago

Tell us about your request Enable distributing Wasm, containers and artifacts to browsers, not only to native machines.

Which service(s) is this request for? Docker Hub

Tell us about the problem you're trying to solve. What are you trying to do, and why is it hard? Though Docker Hub can distribute Wasm, containers and artifacts to native machines, applications inside browsers can't fetch them. By eliminating this limitation, users can use Docker Hub as the common image registry for browsers and native machines.

Example use cases:

Solving this issue from the user side is difficult because one of the causes of this limitation is that images on Docker Hub don't enable CORS access and users can't change the configurations.

Are you currently working around the issue? No

Additional context