docker / scout-cli

Docker Scout CLI
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The markdown format is not supported #29

Closed ulrich closed 11 months ago

ulrich commented 11 months ago

Hello Team,

I am testing with real pleasure the tool but when I tried some commands I figured out that the markdown format output doesn't seem to work on the last version.


❯ docker scout cves --exit-code --ignore-base --only-fixed --only-severity critical,high --format sarif --output mega.sarif mega:1.5.0
    ✓ SBOM of image already cached, 282 packages indexed
    ✓ Ignoring packages and vulnerabilities from base image openjdk
    ✗ Detected 5 vulnerable packages with a total of 8 vulnerabilities
    ✓ Report written to mega.sarif
❯ docker scout cves --exit-code --ignore-base --only-fixed --only-severity critical,high --format packages --output mega.packages mega:1.5.0
    ✓ SBOM of image already cached, 282 packages indexed
    ✓ Ignoring packages and vulnerabilities from base image openjdk
    ✗ Detected 5 vulnerable packages with a total of 8 vulnerabilities
    ✓ Report written to mega.packages
❯ docker scout cves --exit-code --ignore-base --only-fixed --only-severity critical,high --format markdown --output mega.markdown mega:1.5.0

Learn More
  Read docker scout cli reference at
ERROR   Status: please provide a valid format, Code: 1

Test version:

❯ docker scout version
version: 0.22.2 (go1.20.6 - linux/amd64)
git commit: 7e5413c2e22976e2de12c9889d2f7aa884c7fc7c

Maybe I missed something?


eunomie commented 11 months ago

Hi @ulrich , hope you're doing well and happy to see you there 👋

Let me check what's going wrong here and I'll come back to you.

eunomie commented 11 months ago

@ulrich: here is the v0.22.3 that should solve your issue:

Just to note that the markdown output has been made with GH PR comments in mind, so the markdown contains a lot of html tags (collapsible content and more control over the tables).

See the example in the following comment.

Happy to take any feedback on it :-)

eunomie commented 11 months ago

:mag: Vulnerabilities of ***/***:***

:package: Image Reference ***/***:***
vulnerabilitiescritical: 0 high: 1 medium: 3 low: 0 unspecified: 1
size27 MB
critical: 0 high: 1 medium: 2 low: 0 unspecified: 1libssl3 3.1.0-r4 (apk) pkg:apk/alpine/libssl3@3.1.0-r4?arch=aarch64&upstream=openssl&distro=alpine-3.18.0
```dockerfile # Dockerfile (1:1) FROM alpine:3.18 ```
high : CVE--2023--2650
Affected range<3.1.1-r0
Fixed version3.1.1-r0
medium : CVE--2023--3446
Affected range<3.1.1-r3
Fixed version3.1.1-r3
medium : CVE--2023--2975
Affected range<3.1.1-r2
Fixed version3.1.1-r2
unspecified : CVE--2023--3817
Affected range<3.1.2-r0
Fixed version3.1.2-r0
critical: 0 high: 0 medium: 1 low: 0 semver 7.5.0 (npm) pkg:npm/semver@7.5.0
```dockerfile # Dockerfile (3:3) RUN apk add --no-cache npm ```
medium 5.3: CVE--2022--25883 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity
Affected range>=7.0.0
Fixed version7.5.2
CVSS Score5.3
Versions of the package semver before 7.5.2 on the 7.x branch, before 6.3.1 on the 6.x branch, and all other versions before 5.7.2 are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via the function new Range, when untrusted user data is provided as a range.
ulrich commented 11 months ago

Nice job, it works as expected!

I continue the tests of Scout 👍

Have a good day Yves.