docker / scout-cli

Docker Scout CLI
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Docker Scout Completely Filling Disk Space with Temporary Files #42

Open david-engelmann opened 10 months ago

david-engelmann commented 10 months ago

I've recently updated my Docker Desktop and it added in Docker Scout, after a few days of normal use. My computer had filled entirely with temporary files in the AppData\Local\Temp directory. The folder was called Docker Scout. It shouldn't do that

eunomie commented 10 months ago

Hi 👋 This folder is only about temporary files, so files should be automatically removed once handled.

Question to better understand how it happens: did you used the docker scout CLI or only the UI of desktop?

Starting with v0.23.2 you can now run docker scout cache df to list all the temporary and cached files and docker scout cache prune will allow to remove them.

david-engelmann commented 10 months ago

@eunomie I didn't use the docker scout commands from a terminal, I didnt even really engage in docker scout from the Docker Desktop UI. It was added on update, I continued to use docker as normal, building, rebuilding etc. for a work day, max two. By the time I noticed it was creating lots of temporary files, It had stored over 500gb of temporary files and my disk space had hit zero

eunomie commented 10 months ago

Ok, that's definitely unexpected. A few other questions if you don't mind, just to better understand your use case and target the issue. What type of image is it? Is that for instance big images? Let's say more than a few GB? Are you also building windows images?

david-engelmann commented 10 months ago

2 redis-alpine and 2 ubuntu 20.04 images, nothing over 2.5 GBs

david-engelmann commented 9 months ago

This issue still persist, Docker scout is claiming around 500gb's of space ever two to three weeks.

davidhewitt commented 9 months ago

I'm having the same problem. Looks like docker-scout was installed in a Docker Desktop update a week ago and I have 300GB of temporary files generated by it already.

All my docker builds are done inside a WSL2 ubuntu container, otherwise I don't think I'm doing anything special.

david-engelmann commented 9 months ago

@davidhewitt Since I updated to a version with docker scout, I've had to periodically, delete all the folders in "~\AppData\Local\Temp\docker-scout\sha256" to stop it from consuming all my memory. It doesn't seem to clean up the past tar files when the container/image/volumes are deleted

Troesler-illuminate commented 9 months ago

I am experiencing this issue as well! 75GB of space until my computer (Windows 11) ran out of free storage space. I also do not use docker scout from the CLI, and have barely interacted with it using Docker Desktop (and WSL2 integration enabled).

david-engelmann commented 9 months ago

@Troesler-illuminate From what I'm seeing, it looks like docker scout is grabbing 2 or 3 gb ever time I build without caching. When I abandon the artifacts / old build setup to test changes etc, it's holding on to the scout results, until you clean them out manually, either by cli command or deleting the folders inside AppData

joaquinalvarezdev commented 8 months ago

Hey, just wanted to add here that I'm experiecing the same thing, I've updated docker and keep doing my workflow as usual and seems that every time I build an image it grabs almost 2.4GB and then it never gets cleaned up. Im using Windows 11 and have setup docker desktop with WSL2

razmser commented 7 months ago

Same here, docker-scout ate up all space. I don't even knew it existed before. Moving its cache away from C:\ somewhat helps DOCKER_SCOUT_CACHE_DIR

radman-rt commented 7 months ago

@razmser How to set DOCKER_SCOUT_CACHE_DIR? Where is it located? How to change it? For Windows 10/Docker Desktop.

david-engelmann commented 2 months ago

any update here?

zbarnz commented 2 months ago

I am getting this issue. Ive only ever used the docker compose CLI and I'm having alot of disc space issues. One being these docker scout files. They dont get cleaned up by using docker desktops built in clean / purge functionality either. I have to run docker scout cache prune to free up the space after pruning all my other docker data.

Michal-Zablocki commented 1 month ago

Bump, updated docker today and my disk space hit 0 literally a few minutes later (and I had already disabled the experimental features before running the update).

DoiiarX commented 1 month ago

same problem

Steean commented 3 weeks ago

I am having the same issue. Just deleted 190GB of temp folders (stereotype-*) which was created during the last week. I thought I fixed the storage space issues earlier this week when I moved the VM to another drive, so I was a bit confused when I could see my storage space quickly disappearing.