if (request.getCheckSum() != -1) {
if (checkSum != request.getCheckSum()) {
builder.setErrMsg(strBuffer.append("Checksum msg data failure: ")
.append(request.getCheckSum()).append(" of ").append(reqTopic)
.append(" not equal to the data's checksum of ")
return builder.build();
3. fix some typos
transferedMessageList -> transferMessageList
cosnumer -> consumer
4. modify log print
logger.info(strBuffer.append("[Consumer Register]").append(clientId)
.append(", requestOffset=").append(reqOffset)
.append(", req has SSD storeId=").append(request.hasSsdStoreId())
.append(", req qryPriorityId=").append(reqQryPriorityId)
.append(", cur SSD storeId=").append(reqSsdStoreId)
.append(", isOverTLS=").append(overtls).toString());
1. remove duplicate block
2. remove inner if
3. fix some typos
transferedMessageList -> transferMessageList
cosnumer -> consumer
4. modify log print
to below :
JIRA link - [INLONG-73] created by technoboy