docknetwork / rify

RDF fact prover and proof validator operating on simple conjunctive rules.
Apache License 2.0
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[optimization] parallelize #6

Open bddap opened 3 years ago

bddap commented 3 years ago

During each single round of reasoning, the RDF store does not receive writes. Instead, new inferences are queued for addition. This structure should lend itself well to a multi threaded reasoner. Each rule can be processed by a separate thread. Once all rules are processed for a round, merge all resulting inferences together an insert them into the RDF store.

Maybe work can be split up more granularly than per-rule but perhaps not worth the complexity.

bddap commented 3 years ago

Initial experiments adding rayon.

ancestry benchmark, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor (24 logical cores), 50 entities

24 rules (22 of them duplicates) 2 rules
single threaded 294,074,410 ns/iter 20,142,490 ns/iter
rayon version 51,397,531 ns/iter 12,489,231 ns/iter
benchmark source ```rust #[bench] fn ancestry_high_bench(b: &mut Bencher) { let mut next_uniq = 0u32; let parent = inc(&mut next_uniq); let ancestor = inc(&mut next_uniq); let nodes: Vec = (0usize..50).map(|_| inc(&mut next_uniq)).collect(); let facts: Vec> = nodes .iter() .zip(nodes.iter().cycle().skip(1)) .map(|(a, b)| [*a, parent, *b]) .collect(); let arule: [&[Claim>]; 2] = [ &[ [Unbound("a"), Bound(ancestor), Unbound("b")], [Unbound("b"), Bound(ancestor), Unbound("c")], ], &[[Unbound("a"), Bound(ancestor), Unbound("c")]], ]; let rules = decl_rules(&[ [ &[[Unbound("a"), Bound(parent), Unbound("b")]], &[[Unbound("a"), Bound(ancestor), Unbound("b")]], ], [ &[ [Unbound("a"), Bound(ancestor), Unbound("b")], [Unbound("b"), Bound(ancestor), Unbound("c")], ], &[[Unbound("a"), Bound(ancestor), Unbound("c")]], ], ]); let composite_claims = vec![ [nodes[0], ancestor, *nodes.last().unwrap()], [*nodes.last().unwrap(), ancestor, nodes[0]], [nodes[0], ancestor, nodes[0]], [nodes[0], parent, nodes[1]], // (first node, parent, second node) is a premise ]; b.iter(|| { prove::<&str, u32>(&facts, &composite_claims, &rules).unwrap(); }) } ```

Looks like, the parallel implementation improves performance when rule count is high, otherwise it hiders performance.

bddap commented 3 years ago

Better to work on first.

bddap commented 3 years ago

Better to work on #9 before working on this.