docksal / addons

Community driven, submit your addon! Docksal addons that can be installed via `fin addon install` command.
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Testing addons locally during development #59

Open frederickjh opened 4 years ago

frederickjh commented 4 years ago

Hi! In the past when I was working on an addon I would clone the docksal/addons repository in my workarea then in ~/.docksal/addons/ create a link to the folder of the addon I was working on and this worked to test the changes locally. However, this no longer seems to work and it appears that Docksal is either fetching the addon directly from the repository or from a cache.

I have also tested this with the addons that were still linked in ~/.docksal/addons/ and this no longer works with them either.

Any information on how to test Docksal addons locally would be appreciated as I currently have two feature branches ready to test before creating pull requests.

Thanks! Frederick

frederickjh commented 4 years ago

I just checked and the documentation on addons also says that this should work.

Fin will first look for the addon in the ~/.docksal/addons directory. If it is not located there, then it will attempt to search the Docksal Addons Repository.

achekulaev commented 4 years ago

It's not something Docksal related. It's something related to how you create symlinks or OS specifics.

Marta 2020-03-11 08-15-56
frederickjh commented 4 years ago

I also copied the files for the pma addon into the ~/.docksal/addons/pma/ folder and that didn't work either, so I am not sure how this is symlink or OS specific. All I know is that it use to work and now it does not with the current version of Docksal.

achekulaev commented 4 years ago

You realize it is working for me with the current version of Docksal right now, right? So I guess it should be given, that tool developers would need something more than "it's not working" to even start looking into the issue.

Like start with the usual fin config and fin sysinfo to begin with. Then logically would be to demonstrate that you have addon in place as you claim by showing output of ls -la ~/.docksal/addons immediately followed by fin pma output. You're programmer, you know the drill.

achekulaev commented 4 years ago

Alternatively you could debug the addon_get_path function yourself to see what might be the culprit :)

frederickjh commented 4 years ago

Further testing with addon in the global docksal addons directory:

$ fin addon install adminer
Downloading addon hook files...
Running pre-install hook...

It just downloads the addon and installs it.

With the addon in the project addons directory:

$ fin addon install adminer
Addon already exists in /home/username/docker/testing/pmaaddon/.docksal/addons/adminer
Downloading addon hook files...
Running pre-install hook...
Downloading addon main script
Downloading other addon files...
Running post-install hook...
  Enabling adminer...
Stopping services...

Wait, fin did see it but to add injury to insult, it downloaded the addon over top of my work. Good thing I committed to git first so I can just check the files back out.

frederickjh commented 4 years ago

So to test:

achekulaev commented 4 years ago

This is the way you re-install or update the addon. fin addon install it again. The fact it exists already will not stop it because this is how update works. The fact that global addon with the same name exists will not stop it too.

Not an issue.

frederickjh commented 4 years ago

Currently the addons are linked into the ~/.docksal/addons global addons directory. I have tried copying their folder into it and this also does not work.

CLICK ME to see `ls -la ~/.docksal/addons` output

´´´ $ ls -la ~/.docksal/addons total 12 drwxrwxr-x 3 username username 4096 Mar 11 11:59 ./ drwxrwxr-x 20 username username 4096 Mar 11 12:51 ../ lrwxrwxrwx 1 username username 48 May 8 2018 adminer -> /home/username/workarea/docksal-addons/adminer/ drwxrwxr-x 3 username username 4096 Mar 11 11:59 DISABLED/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 username username 44 Mar 11 10:46 pma -> /home/username/workarea/docksal-addons/pma/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 username username 44 Sep 26 2018 uli -> /home/username/workarea/docksal-addons/uli/ ´´´

CLICK ME to see `fin config` output

```bash $ fin config --------------------- COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME_SAFE: pmaaddon COMPOSE_FILE: /home/username/.docksal/stacks/volumes-bind.yml /home/username/.docksal/stacks/stack-default.yml /home/username/docker/testing/pmaaddon/.docksal/docksal.yml /home/username/docker/testing/pmaaddon/.docksal/docksal-local.yml ENV_FILE: /home/username/docker/testing/pmaaddon/.docksal/docksal.env /home/username/docker/testing/pmaaddon/.docksal/docksal-local.env PROJECT_ROOT: /home/username/docker/testing/pmaaddon DOCROOT: docroot VIRTUAL_HOST: VIRTUAL_HOST_ALIASES: * IP: MYSQL: Docker Compose configuration --------------------- services: cli: build: args: cli_image: docksal/cli:edge-php7.1 context: /home/username/docker/testing/pmaaddon/.docksal/services/cli dns: - - environment: BLACKFIRE_CLIENT_ID: null BLACKFIRE_CLIENT_TOKEN: null COLUMNS: '159' COMPOSER_ALLOW_XDEBUG: '0' COMPOSER_DISABLE_XDEBUG_WARN: '0' DOCROOT: docroot DRUSH_ALLOW_XDEBUG: '0' DRUSH_OPTIONS_URI: EDITOR: /bin/nano GIT_USER_EMAIL: GIT_USER_NAME: Me HOST_GID: '1000' HOST_UID: '1000' LANG: en_US.UTF-8 LANGUAGE: en_US.UTF-8 LC_ALL: C LC_CTYPE: C LINES: '42' MYSQL_DATABASE: default MYSQL_HOST: db MYSQL_PASSWORD: mysqlpassword MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: rootpassword MYSQL_USER: user PHP_IDE_CONFIG: null SECRET_ACAPI_EMAIL: null SECRET_ACAPI_KEY: null SECRET_PLATFORMSH_CLI_TOKEN: null SECRET_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: null SECRET_TERMINUS_TOKEN: null SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh-AoqBxdXcm0/agent.10264 VIRTUAL_HOST: XDEBUG_CONFIG: remote_connect_back=0 remote_host= XDEBUG_ENABLED: '0' hostname: cli image: pmaaddon_cli labels: bash io.docksal.user: docker volumes: - cli_home:/home/docker:rw - /home/username/.composer/auth.json:/home/docker/.composer/auth.json:rw - /home/username/.docksal/fishshellconfig:/home/docker/.config/fish:rw - /home/username/.docksal/fishshellconfiglink:/home/docker/.config/fishconfiglink:rw - /home/username/.docksal/fishermanconfig:/home/docker/.config/fisherman:rw - /home/username/.gitconfig:/home/docker/.gitconfig:rw - /home/username/.gitignore_global:/home/docker/.gitignore_global:rw - /home/username/.ssh/config:/home/docker/.ssh/config:rw - /home/username/.ssh/ - /home/username/.ssh/ - /home/username/.ssh/ - /home/username/.ssh/ - /home/username/.ssh/ - /home/username/.ssh/ - /tmp/ssh-AoqBxdXcm0/agent.10264:/tmp/ssh-AoqBxdXcm0/agent.10264:ro - project_root:/var/www:rw,nocopy,cached db: dns: - - environment: MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD: null MYSQL_DATABASE: default MYSQL_INITDB_SKIP_TZINFO: null MYSQL_ONETIME_PASSWORD: null MYSQL_PASSWORD: password MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD: null MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password MYSQL_USER: user hostname: db image: docksal/mysql:5.6-1.4 ports: - 3306/tcp volumes: - /home/username/docker/testing/pmaaddon/db/import:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d:ro - db_data:/var/lib/mysql:rw - project_root:/var/www:ro,nocopy,cached pma: environment: PMA_HOST: db PMA_PASSWORD: password PMA_USER: root hostname: pma image: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin labels: io.docksal.virtual-host: web: depends_on: cli: condition: service_started dns: - - environment: APACHE_BASIC_AUTH_PASS: null APACHE_BASIC_AUTH_USER: null APACHE_DOCUMENTROOT: /var/www/docroot APACHE_FCGI_HOST_PORT: cli:9000 hostname: web image: docksal/apache:2.4-2.3 labels: io.docksal.cert-name: none io.docksal.permanent: "false" io.docksal.project-root: /home/username/docker/testing/pmaaddon io.docksal.virtual-host:,*,* volumes: - project_root:/var/www:ro,nocopy,cached version: '2.1' volumes: cli_home: {} db_data: {} docksal_ssh_agent: external: true name: docksal_ssh_agent project_root: driver: local driver_opts: device: /home/username/docker/testing/pmaaddon o: bind type: none --------------------- ```

CLICK ME to see `fin sysinfo` output

```bash $ fin sysinfo ███ OS Linux Ubuntu 18.04 Linux hostname 4.15.0-88-generic #88-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 11 20:11:34 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux ███ ENVIRONMENT MODE : Linux Kernel DOCKER_HOST : ███ FIN fin version: 1.93.0 ███ DOCKER COMPOSE EXPECTED VERSION: 1.24.1 docker-compose version 1.24.1, build 4667896b docker-py version: 3.7.3 CPython version: 3.6.8 OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.0j 20 Nov 2018 ███ DOCKER EXPECTED VERSION: 19.03.4 Client: Docker Engine - Community Version: 19.03.6 API version: 1.40 Go version: go1.12.16 Git commit: 369ce74a3c Built: Thu Feb 13 01:27:49 2020 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Experimental: false Server: Docker Engine - Community Engine: Version: 19.03.5 API version: 1.40 (minimum version 1.12) Go version: go1.12.12 Git commit: 633a0ea838 Built: Wed Nov 13 07:28:22 2019 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Experimental: false containerd: Version: 1.2.12 GitCommit: 35bd7a5f69c13e1563af8a93431411cd9ecf5021 runc: Version: 1.0.0-rc10 GitCommit: dc9208a3303feef5b3839f4323d9beb36df0a9dd docker-init: Version: 0.18.0 GitCommit: fec3683 ███ DOCKSAL: PROJECTS project STATUS virtual host project root pmaaddon Up 32 minutes (healthy),*,* /home/username/docker/testing/pmaaddon docksal Up 2 hours,* /home/username/docker/docksal ███ DOCKSAL: VIRTUAL HOSTS * ** ███ DOCKSAL: DNS curl: (6) Could not resolve host: dns-test.docksal ERROR: Requesting http://dns-test.docksal failed! ███ DOCKER: RUNNING CONTAINERS CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 3b043b3fc115 phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin "/docker-entrypoint.…" 26 minutes ago Up 26 minutes 80/tcp pmaaddon_pma_1 b71bf5a145ea docksal/mysql:5.6-1.4 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 37 minutes ago Up 32 minutes (healthy)>3306/tcp pmaaddon_db_1 f0c8411a53ec docksal/ssh-agent:1.3 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 4 hours ago Up 4 hours (healthy) docksal-ssh-agent 8b7359cf2e36 docksal/dns:1.1 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 4 hours ago Up 4 hours (healthy)>53/udp docksal-dns 05e4faa7cdc0 docksal/vhost-proxy:1.5 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 4 hours ago Up 4 hours (healthy)>80/tcp,>443/tcp docksal-vhost-proxy 2ba2cb6b75f8 docksal/apache:2.4-2.3 "httpd-foreground" 4 hours ago Up 32 minutes (healthy) 80/tcp, 443/tcp pmaaddon_web_1 4420a42706be pmaaddon_cli "/opt/ sup…" 4 hours ago Up 26 minutes (healthy) 22/tcp, 3000/tcp, 9000/tcp pmaaddon_cli_1 1bf0fc288657 docksal/web:2.1-apache2.4 "httpd-foreground" 2 years ago Up 2 hours 80/tcp, 443/tcp docksal_web_1 7308a6a43b53 docksal/cli:1.3-php7 "/opt/ sup…" 2 years ago Up 2 hours (healthy) 22/tcp, 9000/tcp docksal_cli_1 639c488e5902 docksal/db:1.1-mysql-5.6 "/ mysq…" 2 years ago Up 2 hours>3306/tcp docksal_db_1 ███ DOCKER: NETWORKS NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER SCOPE b8dc13ea3369 _default bridge local d146e0c8107c bridge bridge local 99a4812a805f docksal_default bridge local 1d72a0ffa8ab grav_default bridge local fb3576c2d9bb host host local d18908688e1b none null local 19b7fb348e58 pmaaddon_default bridge local a6f45e6a2b50 testing_default bridge local ███ HDD Usage Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /dev tmpfs 797M 2.0M 795M 1% /run /dev/mapper/blah--vg-root 126G 81G 40G 68% / tmpfs 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock tmpfs 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/loop0 409M 409M 0 100% /snap/netbeans/18 /dev/loop1 92M 92M 0 100% /snap/core/8592 /dev/loop2 438M 438M 0 100% /snap/netbeans/24 /dev/loop3 92M 92M 0 100% /snap/core/8689 /dev/sda1 472M 281M 167M 63% /boot tmpfs 797M 0 797M 0% /run/user/1000 ```

frederickjh commented 4 years ago

This is the way you re-install or update the addon. fin addon install it again. The fact it exists already will not stop it because this is how update works. The fact that global addon with the same name exists will not stop it too.

Not an issue.

Sorry, @achekulaev then is what is the proper way to test an addon that you are doing development work on?

achekulaev commented 4 years ago

The way you do it. You keep writing "it does not work" but haven't posted any proof how it does not work.

Show that fin uli does not work

Or I don't understand the issue

frederickjh commented 4 years ago

Maybe I have the order of preference of locations to install an addon from wrong in my head, as I have never see this in the documentation. I always thought fin would look first to see if the addon to install was in the project's addon directory then the Docksal global addon directory before then going and downloading the addon from github.

But if I understand you correctly, if the addon being installed exists on github in the docksal/addons repository then it will download it, regardless if an addon with the same name exists in a project and will overwrite it.

achekulaev commented 4 years ago

Yes, fin addon install will always (re-)download and install addon in your project directory, fin addon install --global will always (re-)download and install addon in your home directory.

achekulaev commented 4 years ago

There was a confirmation to overwrite... Which was commented out... Not sure why... But it was like this for 3 years