dockstore / dockstore

Our VM/Docker sharing infrastructure and management component
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Concept DOI link leads to an error page #5875

Closed kathy-t closed 2 weeks ago

kathy-t commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug The concept DOI link leads to an error page. I think it's because the concept DOI starts with doi/ unlike the version DOI.

Concept DOI and version DOI difference: image

Error page when clicking on concept DOI: image

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to
  2. Request a DOI for a workflow without a DOI
  3. See the concept DOI in the Workflow Information card. Click on it.
  4. See the error page

Expected behavior Should be re-directed to Zenodo

Screenshots See above

Additional context [Domain] -




┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Story ┆Fix Versions: Dockstore 1.16 ┆Issue Number: DOCK-2523 ┆Sprint: 138 - Keelung ┆Issue Type: Story

unito-bot commented 2 weeks ago

➤ Charles Overbeck commented:

This was merged to develop, but fix version was Dockstore 1.15.x.

Nayeon Hyun Denis Yuen Is that intentional?

unito-bot commented 2 weeks ago

➤ Charles Overbeck commented:

I verified the issue is fixed in QA. Marking done, but see my previous comment – may need to be reopened to target hotfix branch?

[Domain] - (|smart-link )

Webservice ( ) - 2446190

UI ( ) - 2.12.2-75-g5ba9a753

Deploy ( ) - 1.15.1-47-g824ceb9

cwlParsingLambdaVersion: n/a

wdlParsingLambdaVersion: n/a

nextflowParsingLambdaVersion: n/a

galaxyParsingLambdaVersion: 0.0.6

checkUrlLambdaVersion: n/a

unito-bot commented 2 weeks ago

➤ Denis Yuen commented:

Hmmm, this one is tricky. Ideally it would be fixed in hotfix, but the DB change is in a 1.16 migration and we normally don’t touch the DB for hotfixes. On the other other hand, it’s not exactly a schema change.


coverbeck commented 5 days ago

➤ Denis Yuen commented:

Hmmm, this one is tricky. Ideally it would be fixed in hotfix, but the DB change is in a 1.16 migration and we normally don’t touch the DB for hotfixes. On the other other hand, it’s not exactly a schema change.


Sounds reasonable, I just happened to notice the fix version discrepancy. I'll set the milestone to 1.16.