dockstore / dockstore

Our VM/Docker sharing infrastructure and management component
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"Cite all versions" DOI is unclear, and also wrong #5892

Closed aofarrel closed 2 weeks ago

aofarrel commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug While looking into, I found a fifth(!) DOI appeared in my workflow. This DOI is an invalid link and doesn't seem to match any of the DOIs mentioned in that ticket. This shows in both my-workflows view and also the public view:

I eventually realized the 11237485 DOI is actually the cite-all-versions DOI:

Except there's two problems:

To Reproduce It seems very likely this is totally separate from the disappearing DOI issue discussed in, so reproducing should just be:

  1. Make a DOI of some version of a workflow
  2. Make a DOI of another version of a workflow
  3. See a third DOI in the workflow view that is unclearly labeled, and also an invalid link

Expected behavior

Additional context [Domain] - Webservice

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Story ┆Attachments: image-20240610-175828.png | image-20240610-175856.png ┆Fix Versions: Dockstore 1.16 ┆Issue Number: DOCK-2527 ┆Sprint: 138 - Keelung ┆Issue Type: Story

denis-yuen commented 1 month ago

I think this is (at least the broken link part)

aofarrel commented 1 month ago

Ooh, yep, #5875 beat me to the punch. I do think there is still a UI issue because it's not clear what the concept DOI is in the first place, but feel free to adjust this into an enhancement ticket as needed.

unito-bot commented 2 weeks ago

➤ David Steinberg commented:

Confirmed the Concept DOI shows up and is different from the version DOI



[Domain] - (|smart-link )

Webservice ( ) - 2446190

UI ( ) - 2.12.2-58-ge403975e

Deploy ( ) - 1.15.1-47-g824ceb9

cwlParsingLambdaVersion: n/a

wdlParsingLambdaVersion: n/a

nextflowParsingLambdaVersion: n/a

galaxyParsingLambdaVersion: 0.0.6

checkUrlLambdaVersion: n/a