docpad / docpad-plugin-sass

Adds support for the SASS and SCSS CSS pre-processors to DocPad. It also supports the Compass framework.
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Specify path to compass? #33

Closed nfriedly closed 6 years ago

nfriedly commented 10 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to deploy a site that uses this to Bluemix, which is basically IBM's version of Heroku.

It's using a node.js buildpack, so it automatically installs things from package.json, but ignores the Gemfile.

Next, I tried changing the start command gem install compass && node server.js, but it choked because the gems directory is read-only. (But the good news is that ruby is installed).

After that, I copied the ruby gems into my app and configured the sassPath and scssPath options - that got me even further, but it choked when I tried to find compass in the system ruby gems directory.

So, is there a way to specify the path to compass in addition to sass and scss? Or, any other way you can think of to solve this?

RobLoach commented 10 years ago

I'd recommend

nfriedly commented 10 years ago

I don't think that will work for me based on which says it only supports sass 3.2 features and which says that a compass port would require sass 3.3 features.

balupton commented 6 years ago

good by me, PR welcome

balupton commented 6 years ago

actually, I just ran into this issue, turns out is is actually caused to version incompatibilities between compass and sass. The new version of this plugin will output the error message if it is there.

balupton commented 6 years ago

fixed in v2.9.0

balupton commented 6 years ago

For instance, the fix for me was:

gem install sass --version 3.4.25
gem install compass --version 1.0.3