docsteveharris / dashRep

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Patient infection status #6

Open docsteveharris opened 2 years ago

docsteveharris commented 2 years ago

Looks like this could be generated from _patientcondition and _conditiontype tables in star There will be an many:one relationship so need to think about how to display But could aggregate to label patient as needing SR?

docsteveharris commented 2 years ago

Example query below Suggest build a webpage with a datatable (perhaps cached) that is populated from a generic query will need some requirements that the query might return 'ward' and then have a generic 'ward' filter option

Alternatively might want to delegate the 'census' step to the API and then the returned MRNs in a WHERE clause?

WITH icupts AS (


FROM star.location_visit lv
LEFT JOIN star.location lo ON lv.location_id = lo.location_id
LEFT JOIN star.bed ON lo.bed_id = bed.bed_id
LEFT JOIN ON lo.room_id = room.room_id
LEFT JOIN star.department ON room.department_id = department.department_id
WHERE SPLIT_PART(lo.location_string,'^',1) ~ '^(WSCC)'
    AND lv.discharge_time IS NULL
ORDER BY lv.admission_time DESC



FROM icupts
LEFT JOIN hospital_visit vo ON icupts.hospital_visit_id = vo.hospital_visit_id
INNER JOIN patient_condition co ON co.mrn_id = vo.mrn_id
LEFT JOIN condition_type ct ON co.condition_type_id = ct.condition_type_id