doctau / garbagecat
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Create separate event for "concurrent mode interrupted" #3

Open doctau opened 10 years ago

doctau commented 10 years ago

doctau commented 10 years ago

The following logging is currently grouped with concurrent mode failure for preprocessing and reporting:

382577.411: [Full GC 382577.412: [CMS382577.443: [CMS-concurrent-abortable-preclean: 0.045/1.321 secs] [Times: user=0.74 sys=0.04, real=1.32 secs](concurrent mode interrupted): 220423K->229092K(1810432K), 0.9884300 secs] 277129K->229092K(2007040K), [CMS Perm : 108039K->

However, it is different than a concurrent mode failure in that it is the result of a user requested action (e.g. a call to System.gc() or kill -3 in combination with -XX:+PrintClassHistogram causing a full GC before the histogram is output.

Break the "interrupted" out from the "failure" events, as analysis and action will be different for each.