Some cards are just not good for barricades mode. Scathian and Open Sesame both allow for the player to make a Dungeon Phase after a Village Phase, but a character cannot take more than one Dungeon phase. This thread on Board Game Geek discusses other cards that should be removed in this mode. The randomizer app could support this by blacklisting certain cards in various modes. The easiest way to do this would be to hardcode the list, although it's possible to allow for user-specified filters as well.
Some cards are just not good for barricades mode. Scathian and Open Sesame both allow for the player to make a Dungeon Phase after a Village Phase, but a character cannot take more than one Dungeon phase. This thread on Board Game Geek discusses other cards that should be removed in this mode. The randomizer app could support this by blacklisting certain cards in various modes. The easiest way to do this would be to hardcode the list, although it's possible to allow for user-specified filters as well.