doctorfree / Obsidian-Custom-Discogs

Automated workflow to generate an Obsidian vault from a Discogs user collection or local music library
MIT License
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Cover art not appearing #2

Closed Hejjeghedderfuglekigger closed 5 months ago

Hejjeghedderfuglekigger commented 5 months ago

I've managed to set up so that it creates the releases in obsidian but there is no cover art. The album covers folder in assets is empty as well. Am I missing something?

doctorfree commented 5 months ago

Cover art is downloaded with wget. Verify that wget is installed on your system and in your execution PATH.

In the bash and zsh shells you can check if wget is in your PATH with the command type wget.

If wget is installed and in your PATH then I will dig further.

doctorfree commented 5 months ago

@Hejjeghedderfuglekigger after verifying that wget is installed and in your PATH, download and setup the latest release of Obsidian-Custom-Discogs at

This new release fixes some bugs in the setup process. I was not able to replicate your issue with cover art downloads missing but these fixes may improve your experience. After downloading the release archive, extract it and run the Setup script following the setup instructions in the README. Let me know how it goes.

doctorfree commented 5 months ago

@Hejjeghedderfuglekigger I have discovered another issue and will be updating with a new release as soon as I fix and test these changes. I would recommend holding off until I publish the 1.0.2r6 release, hopefully this week.

Hejjeghedderfuglekigger commented 5 months ago

@Hejjeghedderfuglekigger I have discovered another issue and will be updating with a new release as soon as I fix and test these changes. I would recommend holding off until I publish the 1.0.2r6 release, hopefully this week.

I've tried to do it from scratch.

in advance please pardon my lack of knowledge of the coding aspects


ExcaliBrain URLParser: Failed to read file Tools/Discogs/ Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/redacted/Documents/Obsidian-Custom-Discogs-1.0.2r5/Tools/Discogs/' app.js:1

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/redacted/Documents/Obsidian-Custom-Discogs-1.0.2r5/Tools/Discogs/'

Next step if cover art still doesn't appear

Thank you

also thank you so much for being very swift in response and kind

doctorfree commented 5 months ago

@Hejjeghedderfuglekigger it was an easy fix and my testing thus far here indicates it is working now. I created a new release, v1.0.2r6, that you can download and try. Sorry for the aggravation and thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Let me know if 1.0.2r6 works for you. I do not know why you were getting errors with one particular album previously. If that persists we can look into it.

Hejjeghedderfuglekigger commented 5 months ago

It is still not working in regards to the cover art appearing. Here is a description of the process. I have tried several times and I've tried my best to be thorough and precise. Thank you

Devices I've tested on

M1 Macbook pro Huawei Matebook running Pop Os (Linux)

What I've done

The Discogs username can be found by visiting Login, use the

# dropdown of your user icon in the upper right corner, click on 'Profile'.

# Your Discogs username is the last component of the profile URL. IF you do

# not have a Discogs account, leave blank.

DISCOGS_USER="my username"

# The Discogs API token can be found by visiting


DISCOGS_TOKEN="my token found in" 
me@me Obsidian-Custom-Discogs-1.0.2r6 % ./setup -u myusername -t mytoken

Generating markdown for all items in Discogs user myusername collection

API token in use, requests will be faster and images downloaded

Please be patient. A large Discogs collection may take a while.

Release page 1/19 ..............
Generating markdown for all artists

API token in use, requests will be faster and images downloaded

Please be patient. A large Discogs collection or library may take a while.

Creating artist markdown for 24-7_Spyz

Creating artist markdown for Abacus

Creating artist markdown for Abacush

Creating artist markdown for Acker_Bilk

Creating artist markdown for Aco_Simonovski

For me it seems like the issue is located somewhere in the area where the magic in taking the urls and downloading them and placing them in the correct md files should happen. I might be mistaken but that is my best guess.

doctorfree commented 5 months ago

@Hejjeghedderfuglekigger let's start by examining the contents of your ~/.config/mpprc file. You write:

The Discogs username can be found by visiting Login, use the
# dropdown of your user icon in the upper right corner, click on 'Profile'.
# Your Discogs username is the last component of the profile URL. IF you do
# not have a Discogs account, leave blank.
DISCOGS_USER="my username"
# The Discogs API token can be found by visiting
DISCOGS_TOKEN="my token found in" 

The DISCOGS_USER should be your registered username on and DISCOGS_TOKEN should be the API token for that account. Do you have an account on and is that reflected correctly in mpprc ? That is, are you using my username and my token ... as placeholders in your report for the actual username and token?

It is correct to not supply your credentials/token in an issue report publicly accessible. I just want to verify that your mpprc is setup correctly. If so then the setup process should have created the file <username> in the top level of your vault. What does the following command return:

ls /Users/jonasd.jensen/Documents/Obsidian-Custom-Discogs-1.0.2r6/*User*.md

Once we verify your mpprc is setup correctly we can dig deeper.

Hejjeghedderfuglekigger commented 5 months ago

it is just placeholders to not have it publicly accessible. I have a user on discogs and I have found, copied and pasted the token at the designated location in the mpprc-file

the returned value is


doctorfree commented 5 months ago

@Hejjeghedderfuglekigger thanks for verifying that for me. After examining the download scripts I found another dependency that may be missing on your system. The cover art downloads use wget but then if the image file is not in PNG format convert from ImageMagick is used to convert to PNG. I may not have documented this so it may be the case that cover art downloads are failing because convert is not found.

Can you check for the existence of the convert utility on your system? It can be installed with Homebrew with brew install imagemagick. I am not familiar with the Pop OS package manager or repositories but ImageMagick can usually be installed on Linux systems with the native package manager, e.g. on Ubuntu sudo apt install imagemagick.

If this is the issue, ImageMagick not installed, then try again (sorry!) and let me know. If not I will keep digging. I ned to document this dependency.

Hejjeghedderfuglekigger commented 5 months ago

I did not have imagemagick. I will install it now, try the proces again and then get back to you with the results

Hejjeghedderfuglekigger commented 5 months ago

Imagemagick did the trick. after installing it the images were downloaded everything seems to be as it should

Thank you for helping. I really appreciate it

doctorfree commented 5 months ago

Great. Thanks for working with me on this. As a result of this issue a bug was fixed and a dependency discovered. Good work!