doctrine-extensions / DoctrineExtensions

Doctrine2 behavioral extensions, Translatable, Sluggable, Tree-NestedSet, Timestampable, Loggable, Sortable
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[WIP] Introduce the Revisionable extension #2825

Open mbabker opened 6 days ago

mbabker commented 6 days ago

Ref: #2502

As the issue notes, the loggable extension is incompatible with ORM 4.x due to the removal of the array field type. The issue also has a patch for migrating to JSON, but because of the need for a data migration, it's not a patch that can be easily dropped in. Enter the new revisionable extension.

Mostly the same thing as the loggable extension, except for changing the way the data is collected for the history object's data field. For the ORM, the data was stored as a serialized PHP array, which while it works, is less than optimal:

a:4:{s:5:"title";s:5:"Title";s:9:"publishAt";O:17:"DateTimeImmutable":3:{s:4:"date";s:26:"2024-06-24 23:00:00.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:3;s:8:"timezone";s:3:"UTC";}s:11:"";s:8:"John Doe";s:12:"";s:12:"";}

The new extension uses the mapping layers of the ORM and ODM to store the data in its database representation, and for the ORM, as a native JSON field:

    "title": "Title",
    "publishAt": "2024-06-24 23:00:00",
    "": "John Doe",
    "": ""

Another benefit to introducing a new extension is that the old and new versions can live side-by-side and allows for a data migration so long as your log entry data can be unserialized back into PHP and its info mapped to a database value ( was something I quickly hacked into the example app code as a proof of concept, a full-on tool could be built out using the logic here).

There are some other extras baked into this branch which generally help improve things too, including:

Differences between the two extensions include: