doctrine / DoctrinePHPCRBundle

This bundle integrates Doctrine PHPCR ODM and PHPCR backends into Symfony
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Error when using midgard2 provider (with sqlite backend) #19

Closed rejsmont closed 11 years ago

rejsmont commented 12 years ago

app/console doctrine:phpcr:register-system-node-types PHP Fatal error: Class mix_shareable cannot implement previously implemented interface MidgardBaseInterface in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Class mix_shareable cannot implement previously implemented interface MidgardBaseMixin in Unknown on line 0

Successfully registered system node types.

lsmith77 commented 12 years ago

@bergie can you look into this?

rejsmont commented 12 years ago

Sorry that I cannot be more specific, but in the console I just see these messages. The website just renders with zero content. It is possible that it might be a midgard bug...

rejsmont commented 12 years ago

Here is backend config from config.yml. Data directory is writable for php and contains sqlite db file.

doctrine_phpcr: session: backend: type: midgard2 db_type: SQLite db_name: cmf db_dir: "%kernel.root_dir%/data" db_init: true blobdir: "%kernel.root_dir%/data/blobs" workspace: default username: %midgard_user% password: %midgard_password%

piotras commented 12 years ago

@rejsmont PHP version? How's midgard installed? It looks like midgard schema is loaded twice.

rejsmont commented 12 years ago

u0078517@dme-mac-0039 ~ $ php -v PHP 5.3.12 (cli) (built: Jun 1 2012 14:24:55)

midgard installed with MacPorts:

u0078517@dme-mac-0039 ~ $ port installed | grep midgard2 midgard2-core @ (active) php5-midgard2 @10.05.7_0 (active)

the midgard conf file has not been changed (its vendor default)

midgard is loaded in php via

rejsmont commented 12 years ago

Temporarily switched to jackrabbit and everything rolls fine...

Platform-specific issue?

lsmith77 commented 12 years ago

well its definitely an issue specific to Midgard .. it could be caused by different repositories: PHPCR ODM, DoctrinePHPCRBundle, Midgard

piotras commented 12 years ago

@rejsmont can you run any php cli code (might be echo "";) with midgard extension loaded in ini file? This is for sure not schemas issue, as in such case midgard core throws error which aborts runtime.

rejsmont commented 12 years ago

@piotras Here you go:

rejsmont@dme-mac-0039 ~ # php -r 'phpinfo();' phpinfo() PHP Version => 5.3.12

System => Darwin 11.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.0: Mon Apr 9 19:32:15 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.26.8~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 Build Date => Jun 1 2012 14:24:33 [...] midgard2

Midgard2 Support => enabled Midgard2 version => mgd_version mgd_is_guid

MgdSchema technology support => enabled Midgard2 version =>

The Midgard Project

This program makes use of the Midgard Content Management engine:
© 1998-2001 The Midgard Project Ry
© 2002-2009 The Midgard Community

Directive => Local Value => Master Value midgard.configuration => no value => no value midgard.configuration_file => no value => no value midgard.engine => On => On midgard.glib_loghandler => Off => Off midgard.http => Off => Off midgard.memory_debug => Off => Off midgard.superglobals_compat => Off => Off midgard.valgrind_friendly => Off => Off [...]

piotras commented 12 years ago

This issue should be fixed with this commit: