Driver interface was removed but still used in DriverChain.php.
PHPDriver implementation was removed. This one impacts old-style metadata loading with static loadMetadata method from the entity class. So, now couchdb-odm does't support metadata loading without annotations out of the box.
3.(due to logic provided with this commit) Doctrine\ODM\CouchDB\Mapping\ClassMetadata usage should be replaced with (Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadata) thru all code.
Also, this commit impacts integration with doctrine/couchdb-bundle integration (as result of implementation removing loadMetadataForClass(->Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\DefaultFileLocator->findMappingFile) is incompatible with for example couchdb-bundle style of entity-mapping)
So, after this commit couchdb-odm package seems to be absolutely broken if application uses couchdb-client + couchdb-odm + couchdb-bundle components and not use annotations for metadata.
In my fork i already patch it, so you can check it before fixing.
Hope it helps.
After next commit -
I found a lot of major issues:
So, after this commit couchdb-odm package seems to be absolutely broken if application uses couchdb-client + couchdb-odm + couchdb-bundle components and not use annotations for metadata.
In my fork i already patch it, so you can check it before fixing. Hope it helps.
Thanks for you work,