doctrine / migrations

Doctrine Database Migrations Library
MIT License
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BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column '<name>' can't have a default value #1344

Open malc0mn opened 1 year ago

malc0mn commented 1 year ago

Bug Report

BC Break no (actually not sure)
Version 3.6.0


When setting a default value to a property mapped as json, the migration created on MySQL 8.0.33 will be faulty. The default value for BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON must be written as an expression, see section Explicit Default Handling as of MySQL 8.0.13

Current behavior

Generated migration with a mapping of json and default value of '[]' generates this migration:

[...] my_column_name JSON DEFAULT \'[]\' NOT NULL [...]

How to reproduce

Simply create a mapping of type json with default value '[]' and generate a migration.

Expected behavior

Generated migration with a mapping of json and default value of '[]' should generate this migration (note the added parenthesis):

[...] my_column_name JSON DEFAULT (\'[]\') NOT NULL [...]