doctrine / orm

Doctrine Object Relational Mapper (ORM)
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A cycle has been detected, so a topological sort is not possible. The getCycle() method provides the list of nodes that form the cycle. #11437

Closed collmomo closed 1 month ago

collmomo commented 1 month ago

Bug Report

BC Break yes/no
Version 3.1.3


The following message get thrown: "A cycle has been detected, so a topological sort is not possible. The getCycle() method provides the list of nodes that form the cycle." after removing/flushing an entity while using semantically correct doctrine syntax and sound logic

Current behavior

Blocking the flush process from removing the entity while using OneToOne relations. More context here: Stackoverflow

How to reproduce

OneToOne relations with self using cascade:remove

class Parent {

 #[ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity: PageTemplate::class, cascade: ['persist', 'remove'])] 
    private Collection $pageTemplates;


class PageTemplate {

    // ====================== PREVIOUS/NEXT ================================ //

    #[ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity: self::class, cascade: ['persist', 'remove'])]
    private ?self $nextPage= null;

    #[ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity: self::class, cascade: ['persist', 'remove'])]
    private ?self $previousPage = null;`


Expected behavior

Don't throw the error, there's no cycle (infinite loop?) here, just remove the entity.

I fixed the issue by adding the following attribute: #[ORM\JoinColumn(nullable: true, onDelete: 'CASCADE')]

Another solution could have been to manually clear the relations before removing the entity:

    public function onPreRemove(PreRemoveEventArgs $args): void {
        /* Remove any references to self, as this will throw a CycleDetectedException */
        foreach ($this->getPageTemplates() as $pageTemplate):