doctrine / orm

Doctrine Object Relational Mapper (ORM)
MIT License
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Fix OneToManyPersister::deleteEntityCollection missing discriminator column/value. (GH-11500) #11501

Closed gitbugr closed 1 week ago

gitbugr commented 1 week ago


This issue may exist in 3.x and 4.x, I haven't yet had a chance to test. If so I can create seperate pull requests for those branches.

greg0ire commented 1 week ago

It seems there are CI jobs failing. Please take a look at this guide for more on how to handle those.

gitbugr commented 1 week ago

It seems there are CI jobs failing. Please take a look at this guide for more on how to handle those.

Thanks! Ran the code-beautifier, checked with codesniffer and static analysis tools and pushed amendments.