doctyper / reflexie

A grown-up polyfill for a grown-up flexbox.
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Is this going to be developed? #36

Open eytanbiala opened 10 years ago

eytanbiala commented 10 years ago

I haven't really seen any activity, is this still being developed?

gustavohenke commented 10 years ago

I don't think so, latest commit is in branch develop, 6 months ago. Also looking for answers...

shipleyr commented 10 years ago

I couldn't wait so added the old syntax to my less mixins which then works with flexie. Bit of a hacky way to do it but that seems like the only way to work at the moment. Stupid old browsers

doctyper commented 10 years ago

There's a huge amount of work that's been poured into reflexie, but there is a long way to go before it reaches even an alpha stage. I put out a call for help a few months ago that garnered very little traction. I'm not sure there's enough demand for me to continue development.

ilanbiala commented 10 years ago

So no real answer a while ago, but now the flexbox spec is pretty concrete. Anything gonna be developed here?

ShaneHudson commented 10 years ago

Could this perhaps be kickstarted?

javangriff commented 10 years ago

I second the kickstarter idea if possibly. I would definitely back it to see it developed.

urish commented 10 years ago

+1 for kickstarter

shaekuronen commented 9 years ago


ilanbiala commented 9 years ago

@doctyper you should push all your work so far so others can fork it and finish.

doctyper commented 9 years ago

@ilanbiala Everything I've done is available in this repository.

Also, guys, there is simply not enough demand to polyfill this feature into older browsers. Flexbox came at about the same time browsers went "evergreen", and a lot of developers are using it as a sort of dividing line for evergreen browsers.

Polyfilling flexbox is an expensive task. It takes a lot of computation to implement on the client-side, and keep in mind we are asking years-old browsers to do this before rendering a layout.

Jared314 commented 9 years ago

There might be some confusion around the master branch only showing the initial commit, and no readme.

What about changing the repository's default branch to develop?

stuartpb commented 9 years ago

Since Autoprefixer converts the new flexbox syntax to the old flexbox syntax, couldn't old Flexie just be tweaked to read one of the vendor-prefixed flexbox rules as a polyfill for the new flexbox syntax that way?

mackelito commented 9 years ago

Sounds like a interesting idea... would it be possible?

mackelito commented 9 years ago

@shipleyr could you be more specific in how you went about doing this?

shipleyr commented 9 years ago

@mackelito I've created a gist with the flexbox.less file I use in it and an example of a less file that uses it. Just then get something like Prepros to compile the less file in to CSS and hey presto... works in old and new browsers. Please not that I am not actively supporting this... I just use it and it works for me.

zowers commented 9 years ago

there is a whole repo called Flexbox.less

shipleyr commented 9 years ago

@zowers Thanks for pointing that one out. I guess that was where I started from and then added newer syntax to it myself (set this up about a year and a half ago and not touched it since). I'll have to take a look at the newer version and see if it does everything we want.

hexalys commented 9 years ago

In my view, the main polyfill needed at this time is flex-wrap support for Safari 5'ish level, including older and current android < 4.4 stock browsers.

For simple cases, IE8 can do with display:table fallbacks using feature detection, and Opera Mini (which I had to use table fallbacks for in the past) now officially supports Flexbox. Considering IE8 is slowly burning in a fire, I am mostly concerned with wrapping support when using the old -box- syntax or the vendor prefixed ones.

@doctyper Think perhaps reflexie could just focus on that wrapping polyfill task? Or how hard you think that would be to achieve, from your past experience doing flexie? I am considering working on that.

craiggoldstone commented 9 years ago

+1 for continued development because we unfortunately still need to support IE8

wraybowling commented 9 years ago

I am in the same boat as others. Flex is great for solving layout problems. I think this project could be finished if we just simplify the problems. Years-old browsers can compute the simple arithmatic necessary for flex layouts. We just need to tell the elements where to go.

Layout helpers like Masonry have gained a lot of traction in the last few years because it's something fresh, but also because it is able to run on old browsers by just brute-forcing elements positions by calculating their absolute positions with JS. And it's not really that heavy to calculate.

Again, if we keep it simple, we can do this.