documentcloud / jammit

Industrial Strength Asset Packaging for Rails
MIT License
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Gzipped asset packages always written #141

Closed jordoh closed 13 years ago

jordoh commented 13 years ago

I have found that my .gz packages are always updated when running Jammit.package!, which causes them to all be re-downloaded every time I deploy. Would it be possible to only write the gzipped version if the non-gzipped version has been updated?


jashkenas commented 13 years ago

It currently should only be rebuilding and recompressing and regzipping assets whose packages have changed since the last time Jammit ran.

Can you provide a test case that demonstrates the broken behavior?

jordoh commented 13 years ago

I looked into this a bit more, and it turns out the re-writing of assets was due to assets.yml being touched (I'm auto-generating it). Git then showed the gz files as changed (since git only goes on timestamps for their differences) and the non-gz files as unmodified (though their timestamps were updated as well).

Closing this issue.