documentcloud / jammit

Industrial Strength Asset Packaging for Rails
MIT License
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always cache when /assets is hit #190

Closed skippy closed 13 years ago

skippy commented 13 years ago

hello, right now perform_caching has to be set to true for jammit to cache at all. But in development, if I am hitting /assets/some_bundle.js, it will reload every time. Why not just automatically cache if hitting /assets/* ?

jashkenas commented 13 years ago

Because you should be hitting /assets/some_bundle.js in development. ... And even if you are -- it definitely shouldn't be caching in development -- changes to your source JS wouldn't be reflected.

skippy commented 13 years ago

ah! sorry; I misread the code... there was an mtime and I thought it checked that but it doesn't at the file level....

sorry for the bad entry! ;)