documentcloud / jammit

Industrial Strength Asset Packaging for Rails
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Problem running jammit from commandline #84

Closed volkanunsal closed 13 years ago

volkanunsal commented 13 years ago

I just installed jammit and I am not able to call jammit command from my terminal. The error message says:

-bash: jammit: command not found

I see it in my list of gems, and all of my other gem commands appear to be functioning correctly. It's only jammit that is doing this. I just installed the gem. Is there something that I might be missing in terms of configuration? I want to try it out if I can.


jashkenas commented 13 years ago

I'm not sure what precise problem you're having -- Jammit doesn't do anything strange with respect to the jammit binary. This sounds like a PATH problem. Try running:

> gem which jammit

... which should give you the full path to the gem installation, from there, you can get the path to the actual executable on your machine, and try that:

/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/jammit-0.5.3/bin/jammit --version
volkanunsal commented 13 years ago

Turns out I didn't use sudo when I was installing the gem, so it was having a permissions issue.

railsfactory-breen commented 11 years ago

the same issue i faced. @jashkenas., thanks for the solution...