docusealco / docuseal

Open source DocuSign alternative. Create, fill, and sign digital documents ✍️
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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PDF Document Black after upload #159

Closed michaelortnersanube closed 7 months ago

michaelortnersanube commented 7 months ago


i just installed Docuseal via docker-compose. I have a Reverse Proxy before. If i upload a pdf document the file ist black. If i upload a picture it's working.


BeshoyAtef commented 7 months ago

same issue , whats the cause ?

omohokcoj commented 7 months ago

@michaelortnersanube could you please share your PDF? It might help to debug the issue

michaelortnersanube commented 7 months ago

@michaelortnersanube could you please share your PDF? It might help to debug the issue

Yes sure. Attached the simple pdf files. Test123.pdf Test1234.pdf

I have written this files with word and saved it as pdf. I tested it too with other pdfs like datasheets. Not working.

omohokcoj commented 7 months ago

@michaelortnersanube the files you shared are displayed correctly in the latest docuseal version in docker doth arm64 and amd64:


If there something specific in your setup that might cause this?

michaelortnersanube commented 7 months ago


i hope not ;)

This is my docker-compose file:

version: '3'

        condition: service_healthy
    image: docuseal/docuseal:latest
    container_name: docuseal
      - docuseal_data:/data
      - DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/docuseal
      - default
      - web
    image: postgres:15
      - docuseal_db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      POSTGRES_USER: postgres
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres
      POSTGRES_DB: docuseal
      test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U postgres"]
      interval: 5s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 5
      - default

    external: true

Nginx Proxy Manager configuration:

image image

And i try it with following browsers: Chrome & Safari. Same problem

This is the output from the docker log if i upload the document:

I, [2023-12-12T12:59:14.598184 #1]  INFO -- : [39be90c0-a4f9-4fe4-9e4c-f294d6f29283] {"method":"GET","path":"/","format":"html","controller":"DashboardController","action":"index","status":200,"allocations":8192,"duration":13.51,"view":5.94,"db":2.27,"fwd":""}
I, [2023-12-12T12:59:16.671299 #1]  INFO -- : [9c69ee52-ba7d-4367-a9a5-4e8d37216ce2] {"method":"PUT","path":"/api/templates/1","format":"json","controller":"Api::TemplatesController","action":"update","status":200,"allocations":2626,"duration":10.94,"view":0.1,"db":6.18,"fwd":""}
I, [2023-12-12T12:59:22.182959 #1]  INFO -- : [3b738516-cb84-4b6d-801f-3a3bff65a16b] {"method":"POST","path":"/api/templates/1/documents","format":"json","controller":"Api::TemplatesDocumentsController","action":"create","status":200,"allocations":7721,"duration":131.45,"view":0.12,"db":10.33,"fwd":""}
I, [2023-12-12T12:59:22.208574 #1]  INFO -- : [5c335d2e-f8bb-429e-ba4e-3ed10409feb9] {"method":"PUT","path":"/api/templates/1","format":"json","controller":"Api::TemplatesController","action":"update","status":200,"allocations":2662,"duration":6.88,"view":0.1,"db":2.04,"fwd":""}
I, [2023-12-12T12:59:22.210983 #1]  INFO -- : [f3481990-26ca-406a-bff4-e80fc7fc1aa2] {"method":"GET","path":"/disk/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaDdDVG9JYTJWNVNTSWhOVE0wY0cxcWVHbDRObVF3YzNjM2VYZHhlR3ByTnpkdE5HSmtjQVk2QmtWVU9oQmthWE53YjNOcGRHbHZia2tpTldsdWJHbHVaVHNnWm1sc1pXNWhiV1U5SWpBdWFuQm5JanNnWm1sc1pXNWhiV1VxUFZWVVJpMDRKeWN3TG1wd1p3WTdCbFE2RVdOdmJuUmxiblJmZEhsd1pVa2lEMmx0WVdkbEwycHdaV2NHT3daVU9oRnpaWEoyYVdObFgyNWhiV1U2Q1dScGMycz0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2Jfa2V5In19--6fb0eb4151b71993a912b6c0dcd58b342bb3639e/0.jpg","format":"jpeg","controller":"ActiveStorage::DiskController","action":"show","status":200,"allocations":126,"duration":0.3,"view":0.0,"db":0.0,"fwd":""}
michaelortnersanube commented 7 months ago

A little update to this: I tested it with 1.3.1 - its working now. But on 1.3.2 and the latest not.

ggdagg commented 7 months ago


Same issue here. Downgrading to 1.3.1 works. However, document uploaded under the 1.3.2 version are still black with 1.3.1.

omohokcoj commented 7 months ago

@ggdagg @michaelortnersanube could you please try the latest 1.3.3 version to check it the issue still persists?

I'm not able to reproduce it - PDF preview's are rendered both on ARM64 and AMD64 app images deployed on my test ubuntu servers.

michaelortnersanube commented 7 months ago

@omohokcoj it is again black. Rolled back to version 1.3.1 and this is working. @ggdagg what is with you, have you the same problem with the new version?

Here are more information about the host-system where docker is installed with docseal

Hostname docker OS Information linux x86_64 Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Kernel Version 5.15.0-89-generic Total CPU 4 Total memory 8.3 GB

Version 24.0.7 (API: 1.43)
Root directory /var/lib/docker
Storage Driver overlay2
Logging Driver json-file
Volume Plugins local
Network Plugins bridge, host, ipvlan, macvlan, null, overlay
omohokcoj commented 7 months ago

@michaelortnersanube can you please upload this PDF file with 20 pages and let me know if all pages are black (or if 15-20 pages are white): 20-pg-blank_merged.pdf

This might really help me to debug the issue

ggdagg commented 7 months ago

Unfortunately, with the latest version I have the similar problem as @michaelortnersanube and black pages still appears. However, when I tried to upload the 20 pages test PDF, I can see that the 16 first pages are black, the last 4 are displayed properly. I tried to upload a 68 pages PDF, and the same 16 first pages are black, the rest is fine.


I'm running on the same Docker version as @michaelortnersanube, but on a Centos host.

omohokcoj commented 7 months ago

@ggdagg @michaelortnersanube we released a new 1.3.4 docker image with Alpine Linux version downgrade to 3.18. Looks like there was a bug introduced with the latest Alpine and libvips 8.15

Please let me know if everything works correctly with the latest 1.3.4 app version

michaelortnersanube commented 7 months ago

Hello @omohokcoj its working for me, thanks for your help!

ggdagg commented 7 months ago

It's now fine on the 1.3.4 release for me too. Thank you!