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SPA only supports loading builder component once #194

Closed jaredtbates closed 4 months ago

jaredtbates commented 5 months ago

For some reason, in our Angular SPA, we can only load the form builder component one time. At a high level, this SPA is a CMS for one of our applications, and we are integrating the form builder into it. I have a very basic component that loads the component like this:

  <ng-container *ngIf="editorToken$ | async as editorToken">

However, when we navigate away from that page within the SPA and then return within the same session, the component fails to load. I get the following error in the browser console:


It appears it's not picking up the token for some reason in this code this.replaceToken and this.token are empty:


Is it something to do with the component being destroyed and re-created? We load the script one time in the head of our page at page load. Should I be loading the script at the same time as the component each time the component is created? Would appreciate any advice if it's something on my end. I can also create a minimal example to try and demonstrate what I'm seeing if it would be of use. Thank you!

jaredtbates commented 5 months ago

I want to note that it works for multiple loads in an iframe if I do something like this, so we'll proceed with this as a workaround for now. It's not a terrible solution.

  <ng-container *ngIf="editorHtml$ | async as editorHtml">
    <iframe [srcdoc]="editorHtml"></iframe>
export class ExampleComponent {
  editorHtml$ = new BehaviorSubject<SafeHtml | undefined>(undefined);

    private sanitizer: DomSanitizer
  ) {}

  ngOnInit(): void {
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
omohokcoj commented 5 months ago

@jaredtbates we made <docuseal-builder attributes reactive so now when data-token attr is updated the form will be automatically reloaded. I think this bug might be caused by how angular manages/updates DOM - it actually might be fixed now with reactive attribute in the <docuseal-builder.

Please let me know if the issue still persists (you might need to test with developer console and js cache turned off)

omohokcoj commented 5 months ago

@jaredtbates can you please confirm if the issue is still present?

omohokcoj commented 4 months ago

@jaredtbates please reopen if the issue still persists