docusign / docusign-esign-csharp-client

The Official Docusign C# Client Library used to interact with the eSignature REST API. Send, sign, and approve documents using this client.
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Pre-Filled Tabs on a Template #355

Open zeshan-iqbal opened 2 years ago

zeshan-iqbal commented 2 years ago


I have a sender pre-filled tab inside a template and I'm trying to send this template using C# api. Now I'm using the below code to fill this tab while sending a an envelop using this template

`var env = new EnvelopeDefinition { TemplateId = templateId };

        var prefillTabs = new PrefillTabs()
            TextTabs = new List<Text>()
                new Text()
                    DocumentId = "1",
                    TabLabel = "business-details.BusinessInformation.BusinessName",
                    Value = "PreFill: BusinessName"

        var tabs = new Tabs()
            PrefillTabs = prefillTabs

        var signerRole = new TemplateRole
            Email = signer.Email,
            Name = signer.Email,
            RoleName = templateRoleName,
            Tabs = tabs

       env.TemplateRoles = new List<TemplateRole> { signerRole };
        env.Status = "sent";

       // send this envelop using EnvelopApiClient
      await envelopesApi.CreateEnvelopeAsync(accountId, env);`

Envelop is sent but the problem is prefilled tab is not populated and also SignHere field is not visible in the sent enevlope. I almost spent 4 hours figuring it out but couldn't figure it out. Any help will be much appreciated.

ivdinkov commented 2 years ago

Hi @zeshan-iqbal, please post here only potential bugs related to the C# client. This looks like a code implementation issue and will require you to provide more information in order to assist you. Please open a case through our support portal and add a case reference 08598427 and we will be happy to help you with your query.