docusign / mobile-android-sdk

The Official Docusign Android SDK for integrating e-signature & signing documents. Click the link below to view SDK API Documentation
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file uri #11

Closed insha786 closed 3 years ago

insha786 commented 3 years ago

hi i am trying to give uri as file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath(), "/ResumeAndroid.pdf"); f= new File("file://" + file); if (f.exists()) { Log.e("P", "found"); } else { Log.e("PRK", "not found"); } .uri(f.toString()) .name("ResumeAndroid.pdf") its giving me error as : Unknown exception in loading document: File is not a valid, parseable, password-free PDF tried also .uri("file:///storage/emulated/0/ResumeAndroid.pdf") .name("ResumeAndroid.pdf") but same error can you suggest any solution? ResumeAndroid.pdf