dod-cyber-crime-center / pyhidra

Pyhidra is a Python library that provides direct access to the Ghidra API within a native CPython interpreter using jpype.
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Incorrect support for Java later than version 11 #4

Closed lacraig2 closed 2 years ago

lacraig2 commented 2 years ago

When running with a version of Java later than version 11 the following warning is thrown in Java. This warning halts the compilation.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: warning: target release 11 conflicts with default source release 14

It seems to be caused by this specification:

Target: OSX 11.6.4, Python 3.7.6, Ghidra 10.2 DEV, openjdk 14.0.2

lacraig2 commented 2 years ago
